Ternoa x Im Community AMA Recap

11 min readJul 27, 2021


🐋 TELEGRAM AMA: Im Community & Ternoa 🐋
⏰ AMA Timing : 20 July 2021 l 12:00 PM UTC l 19:00 GMT +7
Venue For AMA : https://t.me/imcommunityitw

🎁 Reward Pool $100 USDT

Bà Tân | : Welcome @ClementTequi from Ternoa.

🍀Jőhn L🍀 : go go AMA now

Bà Tân | : Welcome everyone. Today Im Community will host AMA with Ternoa.

Bà Tân | : Today our guest is: @ClementTequi from Ternoa.

Bà Tân | : Please introduce yourself a bit: @ClementTequi.

Clément Tequi : Hello everyone 👋 My name is Clement Tequi, I am the Deputy CEO of Ternoa as well as one of the Co-Founders. I specialise in Token Economics and created the blockchain practice of the Accuracy firm, and am also the author of the book “Blockchain, towards new value chains.

Bà Tân | : Thanks for the introduction.

Bà Tân | : Today’s AMA will have 3 sessions

Sessions 1: The chat will be muted & the team will introduce themselves then we will ask some introduction questions to the team Ternoa

Sessions 2: We will pick 5 Best Question from our members on Our Tweet (https://twitter.com/IM_Communityitw/status/1416789633086623751).

Sessions 3: The conversation will open to the community questions and the 5 best questions will be selected.

Bà Tân | : Rules to follow AMA : ⤵️

▫️ Join : Telegram group 🇬🇧 (https://t.me/ternoa) Ternoa EN (https://t.me/ternoa) and IM Community (https://t.me/imcommunityitw) , Channel Im community

(https://t.me/imcommunityit)▫️Follow: Twitter Ternoa (https://twitter.com/ternoa_) and IM Community (https://twitter.com/IM_Communityitw)

Web & Community:


Bà Tân | : Start session 1 AMA @ClementTequi

Bà Tân | : Question1. Can you briefly describe what is Ternoa? We would like to know more about it and how it works.@ClementTequi

ClĂŠment Tequi : Ternoa is a blockchain that allows its users to buy and store their digital data, and guarantees that they will be the only ones to manage the access and availability of this data, with a promise that this information will always be available and can be transmitted according to their will.

The first use case we developed allows users to buy storage space time capsules and to easily add data to them. Each time capsule will be stored in a decentralised way on the Ternoa blockchain, in order to be transmitted in the future to the beneficiaries that the users will have designated at the creation.

There are many other use cases, like for example our SecretNFT marketplace, where artists can mint their own NFTs, and users can buy them with our token $CAPS. The Ternoa Blockchain is very versatile, so there will be many more Dapps to come! 🙂


Bà Tân | : Question2. What products is the Ternoa team developing on its platform? @ClementTequi

ClĂŠment Tequi : Recently we have released our Alpha version Wallet application for iOS and Android users, where people can get a sneak peek into the Ternoa Universe and the certain features they can expect once our main net launches in early 2022.

📲 Feel free to try it out!

Download for iOS 👉 https://apple.co/3hyzpce

Download for Android 👉 bit.ly/3wk6bSE

We also recently released our new rewards earning platform the Tiime Engine. This is one of our new Dapps that allows people to complete daily actions on the platform (like follow our twitter for example) to earn our reward token Tiime. This token you can collect and use only to buy NFTs on our platform which might hold secret surprises within! Like winning CAPS for example.

Check it out here: https://www.tiime-engine.com/en/


Bà Tân | : Question3. What are the benefits of the $CAPS Token? @ClementTequi

ClĂŠment Tequi : For our early investors, we have opened up staking and have already given out more than 1 million CAPS of Staking rewards! There will soon be more public staking options on Uniswap, Pancakeswap, Apeswap and more. We also have the Tiime Engine that I mentioned!

The usage of $CAPS will come once the main net launches early next year. People will be able to buy and use their time capsules, buy and collect secretNFTs on our marketplace, and much more in the ever growing Ternoa universe. The token will be working behind the scenes as well, governing the blockchain, and will always play a large role in the Ternoa ecosystem. We are a long-term project, therefore CAPS will always stay relevant!


Bà Tân | : Question4. NFT is a very good trend at the moment, is Ternoa planning to develop NFT for your project? @ClementTequi

ClĂŠment Tequi : Indeed so! Our blockchain is the first to actually use NFTs as a vehicle for digital data (our Time Capsules), so NFTs run all the way to the core of our project.

🧑‍🎨 We also have our SecretNFT Marketplace, alpha version launched earlier this year, this platform entirely dedicated to non-fungible tokens (NFTs). The platform, which uses Ternoa’s own CAPS token, is equipped with many unique features to allow artists to mint their digital artworks in a single edition and add unique protection features.

In addition to this, we have done collaborations with other companies, like Binance! We recently were chosen to have a limited edition Ternoa NFT on the new BinanceNFT marketplace — you can see it here: https://www.binance.com/en/nft/goods/detail?productId=720&isProduct=1


Bà Tân | : Question5. What results has the Ternoa achieved so far? And is there any information on the 2021 plan for Ternoa ? @ClementTequi

ClĂŠment Tequi : We have already developed and released our first application, and in just the first two weeks we have had over 5k downloads, and 4,5k active daily users. We also released our SecretNFT Marketplace, as well as the Tiime Engine, growing our community and support worldwide!

We have over 30 partnerships with known international influencers like Mr. Beast, Romain Lanery, Ash WSB. And over 10 large partnerships with investment funds like Master Ventures, GD10 Ventures, CoinGecko etc.

At the moment, all of our energy is focused on developing the blockchain and releasing our Testnet so we can work towards our main net launch at the beginning of 2022. We are also working towards making as many international connections as possible to help spread our vision to all corners of the world! We have already started language-based communities like for French, Spanish, Arabic, Turkish, Chinese and so on. We are looking into making a vietnamese group as well!

Lots to come for Ternoa, this is just the beginning. Join us on the adventure! 🚀


Bà Tân | : End of session 1

Bà Tân | : We will move on to session 2

Bà Tân | : Sessions 2: We will pick 5 Best Question from our members on Our Tweet (https://twitter.com/IM_Communityitw/status/1416789633086623751).

Bà Tân | : Question1. @deminfur

A strong community not only brings interesting ideas to the project, but also attracts larger partners. So, how does he plan to build the #Ternoa (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Ternoa?src=hashtag_click) community? And is there a plan to recruit people with blockchain experience to the #Ternoa (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Ternoa?src=hashtag_click) team? @ClementTequi

Clément Tequi : Our community is extremely important to us! At the moment we are collaborating with our current partners in making new international connections through media and KOLs, as well as creating language-based groups to spread Ternoa’s updates in multiple languages!

We currently have groups for French, Spanish, Arabic, Turkish, Chinese and so on. As I mentioned, we are looking into making a vietnamese group as well 🙂

🇦🇪 Arabic: https://twitter.com/Ternoa_Arabic

🇨🇳 Chinese: https://twitter.com/Ternoa_Chinese

🇩🇪 German: https://twitter.com/Ternoa_German

🇮🇹 Italian: https://twitter.com/Ternoa_Italian

🇪🇸 Spanish: https://twitter.com/Ternoa_Spanish

🇹🇷 Turkish: https://twitter.com/Ternoa_Turkish

We are always open to bringing on more people to the team, power in numbers! Our team has grown so fast in the last few months, and it won’t be stopping now. We are currently adding new blockchain developers to help boost our development, and local community managers to tackle communications and translations worldwide.


🍀Jőhn L🍀 : wow a huge communities

Bà Tân | : Question2.@TrnTrun19211761

TERNOA currently resides in the Polkadot network. But, do you have plans to expand to other networks like Solana, BSC, ETH, etc? The integration of a bridge in different chains is very useful for investors and their assets in terms of cost reduction in rates. @ClementTequi

Clément Tequi : We have already started collaborating with Binance and other known companies, as we currently have our own bridge (https://bridge.ternoa.com/) between ERC20 and BEP20, and soon will have an NFT bridge between Polkadot and Binance ! Our plan is to create bridges to work on our blockchain’s interoperability and connect with other projects to be able to have our NFTs and our Ternoa Universe reach all ecosystems. d

On this subject, we actually have a big announcement coming at the end of this week on a new bridge we will be creating! Be sure to follow our twitter to stay tuned for this update : https://twitter.com/Ternoa_


Bà Tân | : Question3. @TranThuyHa7 (https://twitter.com/TranThuyHa7)

Adoption is one of the important factor that all sustainable blockchain projects should focus to be more attractive in the investors’s eyes. What did TERNOA do and plans to do to achieve real world adoption?

Clément Tequi : Ternoa’s goal is to give the opportunity for each person that connects to the internet to be able to store and transmit their desired information in a highly secure and stable manner, as well as combine the crypto/blockchain world with the general/real world.

We are in the process of developing our application which will be for the general public, different from our Wallet App. It is geared to be very clear, user-friendly, and allow people to participate without needing to know about the crypto and blockchain world. We want it to be possible even for your grandparents to be able to go on the app and create a time capsule in a few minutes if they would like!

Our team is working very hard to make sure that all will be fully ready for our main net launch in early 2022, so that you can all start creating time capsules and interacting with the Ternoa universe soon!


Bà Tân | : Question4. @nikolblanco2005 (https://twitter.com/nikolblanco2005)

Ternoa is a NFT-based decentralized game. But Can anybody use and earn money form your platform? or only people with knowledge about NFT can use it? Is there any informative material for new users? @ClementTequi

Clément Tequi : Our blockchain is not actually a decentralized game, it is a blockchain ecosystem that allows Dapp developments and data storage and transmission, but we will soon offer dapps with NFT games! We actually already have one does just that! We have our rewards earning platform called the Tiime Engine that is open for all, no need to know blockchain technology or anything, you only need the motivation to win 😉

As mentioned before, it allows people to complete daily actions on the platform (like follow our twitter for example) to earn our reward token Tiime. This token you can collect and use only to buy NFTs on our platform which might hold secret surprises within! Like winning CAPS for example.

📲 Feel free to try it out our wallet and connect directly to Tiime Engine!

Download for iOS 👉 https://apple.co/3hyzpce

Download for Android 👉 bit.ly/3wk6bSE


Bà Tân | : Question5.@CaoHa27628628 (https://twitter.com/CaoHa27628628)

What is your background and how did you come to the idea to create Ternoa project? Why did you choose the name Ternoa? Does it have special meaning and is there any story behind this name? @ClementTequi

ClĂŠment Tequi : We have a very experienced team. Mickael Canu, the CEO, has been a web developer for 20 years, has 5 years specifically in tokenization and blockchain, has created multiple tech companies and more. He not only works on the vision of Ternoa but also on technical executions. He came up with the idea of the Time Capsule when his children were born. He wanted a way to share with them in the future all of the memories shared during their childhood!

As I mentioned, I am the Deputy CEO of Ternoa and I specialise in Token Economics and created the blockchain practice of the Accuracy firm, and am also the author of the book “Blockchain, towards new value chains. Our team has grown from 5 people to over 25 in only a few months time, and is filled with international, well-experienced professionals all working together to bring Ternoa’s vision to all corners of the world!

Mickael thought of Ter = eternity, and Noa = serene, together meaning Serene Eternity, thanks to our secure wait to transmit your legacy to your future 🚀


Bà Tân | : End of session 2

Bà Tân | : We’ll move on to session 3

Bà Tân | : Sessions 3: The conversation will open to the community questions and the best questions will be selected

Bà Tân | : Rules to follow AMA : ⤵️

▫️ Join : Telegram group 🇬🇧 (https://t.me/ternoa) Ternoa EN (https://t.me/ternoa) and IM Community (https://t.me/imcommunityitw) , Channel Im community

(https://t.me/imcommunityit)▫️Follow: Twitter Ternoa (https://twitter.com/ternoa_) and IM Community (https://twitter.com/IM_Communityitw)

Web & Community:


Bà Tân | : Thanks for the questions from the community.

Bà Tân | : @ClementTequi Pick the 5 best questions and answer it for session 3.

🍀Jőhn L🍀 : so fast :))

Q1. I like this project , where can I buy your token right now ?

ClĂŠment Tequi :


🚀 Gate.io (ERC20)

How to buy on Gate.io : Tuto Gate.io

🚀 Uniswap (ERC20)

How to buy on Uniswap : Tuto Uniswap

🚀 Pancakeswap (BEP20/BSC)

How to buy on Pancakeswap : Tuto Pancakeswap

Q2. Do you have tutorial videos so we can get to know your project more clearly or do you have a YouTube channel or something? can you share it with us?

ClĂŠment Tequi : About the project: https://youtu.be/y8tPMhBTos8

About our secretnft Marketplace: https://youtu.be/zlESPgE3rcc

About our Wallet app: https://youtu.be/juBNvlAb-Pg

Q3. Staking programme is very important for any project, Can i stake your token? Do you have any plan of starting staking programme?

ClĂŠment Tequi : We will be open to public staking very soon! In the next few days actually on Apeswap! And further in the future on Uniswap, Pancakeswap and others!

Q4. What are your security measures adopted from hacking and bugs in smart contract ? Have you conducted any audit to make your smart contract safe?

ClĂŠment Tequi : Our project has been audited, our token was validated in early February by the world famous Certik Foundation. Quality is very important for us, as we only want to put out the best possible blockchain services. The Ternoa blockchain is based on Substrate framework and the Polkadot Blockchain developed by Parity Technologies. Also to provide maximum security we use multi-party cryptography and Intel SGX secure enclaves.

Q5. Ternoa puts this personal data into a “Time Capsules”. How does a time capsule work? How should we understand this?

Clément Tequi : Once our main net launches, we will release our official application that will allow people of all ages to create a time capsule within minutes 🙂

At its base, it is an NFT that is used as a vehicle to hold and transport your digital data, and each time capsule will be stored in a decentralised way on the Ternoa blockchain, in order to be transmitted in the future to the beneficiaries that the users will have designated at the creation. We also have different sending protocols, so the user can choose the date or the situation at which they would like to send their capsule, for example even after your death.

Bà Tân | : Thanks for the useful information from @ClementTequi

Bà Tân | : End of session 3

Bà Tân | : For questions that have not been answered today, you can send them to @ternoa for answers.

Bà Tân | : IM Community, if you would like to know more about Ternoa ! here are some useful links for you:

Official Website: https://www.ternoa.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ternoa_

Medium: https://defifarmsnfts.medium.com/

Github: https://github.com/capsule-corp-ternoa

Telegram: https://t.me/ternoadiscussions

🍀Jőhn L🍀 : perfect today

Bà Tân | : Allright, I declare the Im Community AMA with Ternoa has ended.

Thanks to @ClementTequi | Ternoa joined us and provided us with Ternoa information, we hope that this knowledge makes us understand more about https://www.ternoa.com/

To the members, thank you for following this event to the end. winners will be announced soon.

🍀Jőhn L🍀 : thank for your time @ClementTequi

Bà Tân | : Today’s AMA winners please PM @quocnguyen1234 to provide reward information. Thanks everyone .

🍀Jőhn L🍀 : have a good day bro




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