Sukhavati Network x IM community AMA RECAP

14 min readFeb 26, 2022

🐋TELEGRAM AMA: Im Community & Pethereum 🐋

⏰ AMA Timing : 23 February 2022 l 12:00 PM UTC l 19:00 GMT +7
Venue For AMA :

🎁 Reward Pool 100 USDT

➡️ The reward pool for the best 5 questions from Telegram is $50($10 Each) 💸
➡️ The reward pool for the best 5 questions from Twitter is $50 ($10 Each) 💸

Bà Tân | : Welcome @mertgur23 from Pethereum ���

Bà Tân | : Welcome everyone. Today Im Community will host AMA with Pethereum.

Bà Tân | : Today our guest is: @mertgur23 from Pethereum.

Ahrix : Welcome @mertgur23 to the IM community.

Bà Tân | : Please introduce yourself a bit @mertgur23 ���

Mert Gür : I graduated from Bilkent University Computer Engineering Department. I’ve been in the mobile gaming industry for 8 years. After graduating from university I worked 2 years in Peak Games. After the acquisition of Peak Games from Zynga for 1.8 billion dollars, I decided to establish my own company. I founded Loop Games in 2019. We published one of the most successful mobile games of 2020 called Match 3D and Match Tile 3D. Last year we sold it to one of the biggest mobile gaming companies in the United States, Applovin. Right now we are focused on developing games on blockchain.


Bà Tân | : Thanks for the introduction.

Bà Tân | : Today’s AMA will have 3 session

Session 1: Project Introduction

Session 2: Question From Twitter ( (will choose 5 question)

Session 3: Free Asking (will choose 5 question)

Bà Tân | : Start session 1 AMA.

Bà Tân | : Question1. Can you briefly describe what is Pethereum? We would like to know more about it and how it works. @mertgur23

Mert Gür : Pethereum is a blockchain based Play-to-Earn metaverse and it will be completely free to play. Our game is not released yet but soon we will launch Closed Alpha of Pethereum and we are selecting Closed Alpha testers from our community. When you start the game, you will be given a free pet and you can play games with this pet so there will be no paywall. Players can earn Pethereum Crystals by playing games. Pethereum Crystal is in-game use only currency of Pethereum and it won’t be tradeable. Players will be able to buy new eggs and by hatching them they can get new NFT pets and players can sell these NFTs on the marketplace to earn revenue. There will be lots of games in Pethereum. Most of them are hypercasual and puzzle games. For the future, users can develop their game in our game engine and get revenue from these games.

Bà Tân | : Please say “Done” when you have finished the question, thank you.

Mert Gür : Done

Bà Tân | : Question2. What are the game products that the Pethereum team focuses on developing? @mertgur23

Mert Gür : Currently we are focused on developing Pethereum land and games. We are preparing land area for the alpha testers to interact with other pets and players. They can wander around and meet other people. On the game side, we have previously announced that there will be 1 game in the alpha version. We are preparing that game for the alpha version. We are also preparing a marketplace for trading pets. At the end of the next month, the alpha version will be ready. Done

Bà Tân | : Question3. What is the Pethereum team’s $PETH token sale open plan? How do I buy it?

Mert Gür : As you can see in our whitepaper we have two sale rounds. First one is Pre-Public Sale and the second one is Public Sale.

Our sale method for the $PETH token is pretty different from most of the tokens. We want to protect our investors we don’t plan to make any token sale to VCs and launchpads because we do not want to give any damping chance to whales.We will use the Uncapped Batch Auction method for Public Sale Round and it will be open to everyone. In this Uncapped Batch Auction method there will be a pool of $PETH and there will be a 10 day period for people to deposit and withdraw their stablecoins. When people deposit their money the price will be determined at the end of this 10 day period. Let’s say there is one million $PETH in the pool and people deposited $1 million dollars and as a result of this the token price would be $1 dollar and if people decide to withdraw their money from the pool the price will drop. At the end of this period everyone will be able to buy our token at the same price. After that Pre-Public Sale will start and we will make a discount to the price determined at the end of the Public Sale. We believe this is the fairest way for a token sale. Also if you wonder about who will join this Pre-Public Sale the answer is our community. We made an event for the whitelist and allocated all the Pre-Public Sale tokens to our community.

So we are believing that public sale investors will buy $PETH with a fair price.


Bà Tân | : Question4. What are the economic benefits of the $PETH token?

Mert Gür : There will be lots of benefits for the $PETH stakers. If players will stake $PETH they can have VIP status in the game and one of the benefits of VIP status is having a better chance on rarity when hatching an egg. We also have NFT staking so If you have a rarer NFT pet you can also gain more $PETH by staking it. This mechanic also increases the value of NFT pets.

Also we plan to share our quarterly profit. Our plan is to buy a $PETH token from the market with our profits and create a pool. $PETH stakers will be able to earn staking rewards from this pool. In this way we will prevent inflation and by buying our token the value will be increased.


Bà Tân | : Question5. What is the development roadmap of the Pethereum project at the present time and in the future?

Mert Gür : We are in the first quarter of 2022 and we have token sale and closed alpha in this quarter. Currently we are preparing for the Closed Alpha and working hard to finish the playable version of Pethereum game. The first game in the Closed Alpha is finished and also we have created more than 13 billion NFT pets and we are checking if there are any problems both in the game and the NFT pets.

We have lots of plans for the future. There were 2 games that caught our attention. One of them was Roblox where you can make your own games and the other one is Axie Infinity which is the biggest game in blockchain. We wanted to combine these two, so as you can see in our whitepaper we have Pethereum Game Engine. With Pethereum Game Engine people can make their games on Pethereum. Also game makers can earn money based on the player’s play time in their games. Actually our main reason to start this project is to create an ecosystem and blockchain for games because we see there aren’t any blockchain networks suitable for games and there are not any store, review place like Appstore and Google Play. So our ultimate aim is to be an gamehub where people can do reviews and see lots of games.


Bà Tân | : End of session 1

Bà Tân | : Session 2: Question From Twitter ( (will choose 5 question)

Bà Tân | : Question1. Most of the current NFT game projects are having an imbalance between Play and Earn, so what features help traditional players feel attractive in Pethereum’s gameplay? What are the benefits and features of the PETH token? And DAO in Pethereum, what function does it have? @timap97

Mert Gür : Thanks for this question because our audience is not only Play to Earn players we also plan to attract mobile game players. First of all there won’t be anything related to crypto or blockchain in our mobile game. There are 2 reasons for this. The first reason is the Appstore and Google Play don’t have a clear policy about crypto and blockchain gaming. We have advisors from Google Play who help us but their policy still isn’t clear. Second reason is to attract mobile gaming players because it will look like a normal mobile game. In this way we believe we can attract mobile gamers too because people who have nothing to do with blockchain and crypto can play Pethereum.

There will be regularly held governance calls on Pethereum metaverse and $PETH holders will be able to vote on critical issues about Pethereum.


Bà Tân | : Question2. I read $PETH ( holders have the right to vote on critical issues about the metaverse. But is there other usecases of $PETH ( can we get rewards by holding? @nikolblanco2005 (

Mert Gür : Yes Pethereum will be governed by a decentralized autonomous organization and holders can attend our governance calls and vote on critical issues about Pethereum. Other than that in our previous questions I mentioned an in-game VIP status for players. Also people who have VIP status won’t see advertisements when playing our game. We also plan to buy our $PETH token from the market with our quarterly profits and create a pool so we can share this with $PETH stakers. By doing this, we will prevent inflation on $PETH


Bà Tân | : Question3. Many P2E games have dual token system. But @Pethereumgame (

has only a single token #PETH ( With 1 token for all features including P2E, players after acquiring them will sell them and will cause token inflation. So how will #PETH ( ensure a stable economy and combat token inflation? @Rocky85332393 (

Mert Gür : When Play-to-Earn games share game rewards with a token, inflation and extreme loss of token value is inevitable. We didn’t want this and also we didn’t want to give a reward for every game because If we give $PETH as a game reward, the price would be unstable like other game tokens and there would be serious inflation. This will affect the investors negatively.

In the tokenomy we planned, $PETH has limited supply so it will be more suitable if we give $PETH more rarely in tournaments and similar events. So players will be able to earn Pethereum Crystals by playing games and it won’t be tradeable but players will be able to buy new NFT pets with Pethereum Crystals. So with this system Pethereum can be both free to play and we can prevent inflation. So our inflation prevention plan is to give $PETH for special events such as tournaments. Players can earn $PETH by winning tournaments and staking NFT pets.


Bà Tân | : Question4. I see that all NFTs on Pethereum will have 5 different kind of rarity levels, can you tell us more about each level and what are the benefits that come along with each one of them? What do I need to do if I want to get a Legendary NFT and what can I do with it in Pethereum? @AmeerHaroonRas1

Mert Gür : Pets’ rarity levels depend on the rarity levels of their body parts. The rarer parts it has, the rarity level of your pets will be high.

Rare pets can collect more Pethereum Crystals in game than less rare pets. So if you have a rarer pet you can collect more crystals and you can get new NFTs faster.

In addition, rarer pets will also help you earn more income as a result of NFT staking.

Luck and play time are all you need to have a Legendary pet. How rare the pet that will hatch from the egg will be depends on luck. Also you can increase your luck by playing more.

If you’re lucky and have a legendary pet, you can sell it on the NFT marketplace for a very high price or use it in-game to gain an advantage over other players.


Bà Tân | : Question5. For some play-to-earn games, players will need to spend fortunes in order to earn, and if they don’t invest heavily, what they earn can’t even pay gas fees used during games. What does it cost to play this game and how profitable can it really be? @Ayuaini20

Mert Gür : You don’t need to make any initial investment to play and earn at Pethereum. When you start the game, we will give the first NFT pet for free. You can earn income by playing various games with this pet.

There are various ways to earn income during the game. First of all, you can get new pets with the Pethereum Crystals that you will collect in the game. You can earn income by selling these pets on the NFT marketplace. Also you can earn $PETH by winning tournaments.

In addition to this, You have the chance to earn income by staking the pets you own. By doing this, You will get $PETH, the token of our game.

Moreover you can earn advertising income by purchasing the lands in the game.

If you are a game developer and you have developed a game in the Petereum metaverse, you can earn income depending on the time the players spend in your game.

Finally, you can win $PETH if you succeed by participating in tournaments that will take place in the metaverse.

As you can see you can earn income by various ways in Pethereum metaverse.


Bà Tân | : Congratulations to the winners of session 2.






Bà Tân | : Alright, Session 2 has finished perfectly. Appreciate your detailed responses @mertgur23 ���

Mert Gür : Your are welcome ��� It is great to be here.

Bà Tân | : End of session 2

Bà Tân | : We’ll move on to session 3

Bà Tân | : Session 3: Free Asking (will choose 5 question)

Bà Tân | : Don’t forget to join the group

Bà Tân | : Group will unmute now so everyone can ask questions.

Bà Tân | : Thanks for the questions from the community.

Bà Tân | : Now let’s give our dear guest @mertgur23 some time to go through them.

Mert Gür : Thanks for your attention ☺️

Bà Tân | : Please choose the best 5 questions and answer it for session 3, Thank you.������

Q1. What is the background, of the your project, team do you think team’s qualifications, and experience, able to support the long-term development, of the project? @mertgur23

Mert Gür : Thanks for your question.

I’m the founder of the company and I’ve been in the mobile gaming industry for 8 years.

Hulusi Önder is our CTO. He has been working in the mobile gaming industry for 9 years. We worked together for 4 years before Loop Games. He took part in the game projects between 25–30.

Fırat Avşar is the head of the marketing department. He managed an advertising budget of 100 million dollars in the Match 3D game.

Berkay Yılmaz is our artist who drew those adorable creatures. He has 16 years of experience in the gaming industry and we worked together for 4 years before Loop Games.

Berk Eserol is the head of our artificial intelligence team. He has worked at Microsoft for 2 years in the United States. He previously worked at TaleWorlds in the gaming industry.

All of our other teammates are very experienced in the gaming industry, and we have been working for a very long time. We are a team of 20 people.

In our advisor team we have Levent Polater and he is working as lead at Google Gaming.

Shannon Low has been working at Google for 11 years and he is now Google Play Director. He is a double major Oxford graduate.

Efe Bulduk is one of the most important crypto influencers in Turkey and he is also an economist.

Sezer Değirmenbaşı has worked at Google for 11 years. Currently he is head of business in the gaming side of Google.

Erdem Hacıpaşaoğlu is one of the most valuable cryptocurrency and blockchain lawyers in Turkey. He was listed in Forbes 30 under 30.


Q2. Audit is important for both trust and security? Have you done any audit of your project?

Mert Gür : Thanks for the question. You are the fastest one that asked the question ���

We are coding our smart contracts with our own developer team and we are revising them with 3–4 developers. However, we know it is possible to have security breaches in every software. For this reason we will audit our smart contracts with CertiK after our smart contracts are ready and share the results with our community.

A security vulnerability that may occur here puts us in serious danger before you. For this reason, you can be sure that we will not take any risks.

Q3. Do you have a Token Burning plan to increase Token value and attract Investors to invest?

Mert Gür : Thanks for the question.

We are not plan to pay staking rewards with minting new $PETH and cause inflation. In each quarter, we are planning to buy $PETH from the market with our quarterly revenue that generated with in app purchase and ad revenue of the game.

We will create a staking pool with these purchased $PETH and we will pay staking rewards from this pool. So there will not be no inflation caused by minting $PETH.

Q4. Many new projects initially developed well but were suddenly abandoned. How will you manage your project to get your position on the market and become the best project in the blockchain world?

Mert Gür : Thanks for the question.

I can say two things about this. First one is we are experienced in the performance marketing in gaming. In our last 2 games,

we spent more than 40 million dollars in one year to promote our game and we spent this money really profitably. This is why we believe that we can make better marketing than all of the blockchain games because they can create an organic community but they don’t know how to make performance marketing. We learned tons of things from the mobile gaming industry and we believe that we can use it in blockchain gaming. With this amount of marketing we reached more than 100 million downloads in a 2 year period. Second thing is that our game economy is a little bit different from other games, for example Axie Infinity or other games. Their economy depends on the new players because of them is kind of a ponzi scheme but our game is free to play that’s why it’s not like other games. For example newcomers always pay the oldcomers’ revenue but in our game there is no paywall and all of the revenue comes from the in-app purchases and ad revenue so our economy does not depend on new players. We created a good product and our long term retention rate will be good. Even if we won’t get new players, our game economy will be sustainable in the long term. With the help of this marketing experience and different economy system we believe that our game will be more sustainable than our competitors in the long term. We believe there is no way to sustain the economy maybe 2 years later with our competitors’ economy system. Their economy completely depends on the new players.

Q5. Does your project already have AIRDROP open?

Mert Gür : Thanks for th question.

Currently, we have ongoing $10.000 worth $PETH airdrop campaign. You can join it below.

Thanks for the useful information from @mertgur23

Bà Tân | : End of session 3

Bà Tân | : For questions that have not been answered today, you can send them to @pethereumgame for answers.

Bà Tân | : IM Community, if you would like to know more about Pethereum ! here are some useful links for you:

Official Website:






Mert Gür : Thanks for the IM community for this A.M.A session. It was pleasure to meet with you. ☺️

Bà Tân | : Allright, I declare the Im Community AMA with Pethereum has ended.

Thanks to @mertgur23 | Pethereum joined us and provided us with Pethereum information, we hope that this knowledge makes us understand more about (

To the members, thank you for following this event to the end. winners will be announced soon.




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