Stader Labs x IM community AMA RECAP

11 min readApr 18, 2022


🐋 TELEGRAM AMA: Im Community & Stader Labs 🐋
⏰ AMA Timing : 14 April 2021 l 04:00 PM UTC
Venue For AMA :

🎁 Reward Pool 100 USDT

➡️ The reward pool for the best 5 questions from Telegram is $50($10 Each) 💸
➡️ The reward pool for the best 5 questions from Twitter is $50 ($10 Each) 💸
Bà Tân | :
Hello Amitej , good to have you here for our AMA, could you tell us a bit more about yourself, and your background?

AG | Stader | Will not dm for money : Absolutely. First of all, many thanks for having us here.

AG | Stader | Will not dm for money : I am Amit Gajjala, Co-Founder and CEO of Stader Labs. I have 10+ years of experience in Business strategy and scaling start-ups across India, SEA and Europe.

AG | Stader | Will not dm for money : Top Management at India’s largest Food tech App, Ex-strategy consultant at ATKearney

AG | Stader | Will not dm for money : Education: IIT & IIM Alumnus

Bà Tân | : How and when did your Crypto journey start?

AG | Stader | Will not dm for money : Interesting question.

Sid (our Co-founder & CTO) and I have been actively investing in the crypto space since 2019. We have deep expertise in bitcoin and alt coin mining and staking.

Stader was started by Sid and I in April 2021 after deep analysis of crypto and staking space.

Staking is already a 300 Bn USD market and is poised to grow manifold. We aim to capture a lion’s share of the staking market and onboard 1 Bn+ users to staking. We are building critical infrastructure across PoS networks.

Bà Tân | : Can you tell us when and why you came with the idea to found Stader Labs?

AG | Stader | Will not dm for money : I have been a staker myself and realized as a user that the process could become much more efficient. We identified that discovering & monitoring validator performance, collecting airdrops, monitoring portfolio across validators & blockchains are all quite time consuming and cumbersome activities.

We wanted to build a protocol that simplifies staking for all types of users. That was the genesis of Stader. Now, our aim is to build a staking infrastructure platform that can be customized for retail users, enterprises and mainstream fin tech applications.

Bà Tân | : What can you tell us about the core team of Stader Labs , how big is the Dev team and where are you guys located?

AG | Stader | Will not dm for money : We have the most talented and experienced leadership team at Stader. Overall 50+ years of deep expertise in scaling companies across the world. Some of our core team members below:

Sid, Co-Founder and CTO, who has a decade of technology and crypto experience. Alumnus of Columbia and IIT.

Dheeraj , our third co-founder and protocol lead , has 10+ years of experience in building and scaling technology applications in blue chip silicon valley companies including Linkedin and Paypal.

Apart from the co-founders , the leadership group includes several top professionals from Ivy Leagues and tier-1 companies across the globe including Mckinsey, BCG, ATKearney etc.

Bà Tân | : It’s important for us to know how this project is funded, did you attract some smart money?

AG | Stader | Will not dm for money : Top quality crypto funds participated in our seed and strategic sale.

Seed sale: Pantera Capital. Coinbase Ventures, Jump Capital, True Ventures and Ledgerprime.

Strategic sale: 3 Arrows Capital, Accomplice, DACM, GoldenTree Asset Management, Accel, Amber, 4RC, Figment

Prominent angels include Jaynti Kanani (CEO, Polygon), Sandeep Nailwal (COO,

Polygon), Nemil Dalal (Head of Crypto, Coinbase).

CoinList sale: Stader also had a historic token sale on CoinList Sale with 1.2 million+ registrations.

Bà Tân | : How is the project following up on the Roadmap, have you kept all your promises so far?

AG | Stader | Will not dm for money : (picture of the roadmap)

We have been cruising at rocket speed across blockchains. We launched in late November on Terra and have seen tremendous traction with over 850 M USD staked assets so far.

Traction on Terra Blockchain:

Launched the following staking products on Terra blockchain with a TVL of ~$850 Mn, 35000+ wallets, 8.5M+ $LUNA stader and a 100,000+ strong staking community

Simplified Staking (Stake Pools)

Liquid Staking (LunaX)

Individual Validator Staking (Stake+)

New Launches:

Stader launched Liquid Staking on Hedera on 9th April 2022 & got ~5000 Users and 40 Mn USD TVL on HBAR (beta launch).

We launched Polygon yesterday.

Future Roadmap:

Expansion of Stader staking platform into multiple blockchains. We aim to be present on 10 blockchains (including Near, Polka, Eth etc) by the end of 2022.

Build customized staking solutions for institutions and exchanges

Allow third party developers to build their own staking dApps with Stader smart contracts

Bà Tân | : Most of us know Staking, but you talk about Liquid Staking and Staking+. What makes staking Liquid with Stader Labs and what does the + mean?

AG | Stader | Will not dm for money : Yes. Liquid staking is an advanced form of staking.

Liquid Staking:

Staking is good to have a passive income, but that also locks in your tokens. Liquid staking provides a solution to it. When you stake with Stader, we will provide the liquid tokens corresponding to the amount you are staking (LUNAx, HBARx, MATICx and so on). These tokens can be used to future amplify yields by participating in the Defi ecosystem while earning staking rewards.

So, now you get Staking rewards and Airdrops from the staking, plus you have liquidity with the liquid token to invest in other places.

Bà Tân | : The project has its own token, the SD Token, could you tell something about the Token Distribution and also the utility of the token?

AG | Stader | Will not dm for money : Yes. Of course, SD tokens is the most critical part of Stader eco system.

The distribution of Stader tokens has been planned to incentivize the users and key stakeholders to actively participate in the network while also reserving a suitable portion of Stader tokens to incentivize third parties to build on the Stader platform.

We have 150 million tokens in total. Below table clearly shows the distribution of SD tokens.


Rewards + farming — 36%

Team + Advisors — 17%

Private sale — 17%

DAO fund — 15%

Ecosystem fund — 11%

Public sale — 4%

Regarding SD token Utility:

A: SD token is the native governance token for Stader protocol. SD token will be critical for successful functioning of the Stader platform i.e. for key governance decisions, validator selection and exit criteria etc. A portion of the protocol revenue will be distributed to SD token stakers.

There are going to be 3 major utilities for Stader tokens.

The first major utility of SD token is that SD token stakers receive a % of protocol revenues as staking rewards. xSD is given out when you stake SD tokens. xSD can be locked up to receive a higher share of protocol fees and additional emissions. This also entitles users to governance rights to redirect emissions, vote on validators policies etc.

Second major utility for SD token is validators across stake pools and liquid staking will have to hold and stake SD tokens to receive preferential delegations.

The third utility is the following: Stader token holders can deposit SD-LUNA, SD-UST, SD-liquid LUNA pairs on Stader, and earn rewards for doing that.

Bà Tân | : Stader has a governance for the Stader protocol, how do you manage this across PoS networks?

AG | Stader | Will not dm for money : Important question.

We will first implement governance on Terra platform. Further, we will have all governance moved to Eth so there is one central place to govern stader protocol.

Bà Tân | : The Banter Community always likes to look forward, can you share your vision where Stader Labs stands in 5 years?

AG | Stader | Will not dm for money : We want to be the largest protocol by staked assets across crypto in 5 years. The TVL goal would be >100 Bn USD. While we will cover all top blockchain in retail space, we will also expand to several other segments including institutional customers, exchanges etc. within

Bà Tân | : End of session 1

Bà Tân | : We will move on to session 2.

Bà Tân | : Session 2: Question From Twitter ( (will choose 5 question)

Bà Tân | : Question1. In your whitepaper, I read that Stader started with Terra because of the ecosystem’s focus on staking that brings mainstream users to blockchain, and the strong developer community, yet, do you plan to migrate Stader Labs to other mainnets soon? If not, why’s Terra so promising?

AG | Stader | Will not dm for money : Yes. We have already launched Hedera and Polygon. We are planning to launch Fantom next week. Solana will go live in a few weeks.

Terra is great and we are a multi-chain protocol.

Bà Tân | : Question2. In terms of fees, are there any charges whenever I stake and unstake my token in Stader? If so, could you please tell us your platform fees for staking and unstaking tokens? How much is the fee?

AG | Stader | Will not dm for money : Thats a great question. We usually charge a % of staking rewards as fees. Right now on Terra, we charge about 5% on lunaX. On Hbarx and Maticx, we charge 10% of staking rewards.

There is no fees for deposit and withdrawal.

Bà Tân | : Question3. Stader claims to offer the most convenient and secure way to maximize betting returns, but what elements does Stader have to guarantee SECURITY, could you tell us more about it?

AG | Stader | Will not dm for money : Security is paramount to us. Our smart contracts are audited at least twice on each blockchain.

On Terra, our contracts are audited 6 times.

Polygon contracts are audited twice and Hbarx contracts are audited too.

Bà Tân | : Question4. Where did you get the project name from? What does it mean to you And why did you choose this name for your project? What is your mission and vision to build this project? What do you want to achieve Through the future?

AG | Stader | Will not dm for money : Project Name: Stader means Staking + Derivatives

Stader’s vision is to onboard and enable 1 Bn users to stake effortlessly.

By the end of 2022, we are targeting a TVL of 10 Bn USD

And in the next 5 years, we want to be the largest protocol by TVL.

Bà Tân | : Question5.Most investors are mainly concerned with the token’s short-term price rather than the project’s long term value. Can you think of some fresh long-term investment strategies for users? What can we expect in the near and long term from this project?

AG | Stader | Will not dm for money : We are always focused on long term sustainability of the project and growth of real business metrics like TVL and revenues.

Thats is what drives us and the entire team will focus on it. The investors we have brought on board are also extremely long term focused.

Bà Tân | : Alright, Session 2 has finished perfectly. Appreciate your detailed responses @agajjala ���

Bà Tân | : End of session 2

Bà Tân | : We’ll move on to session 3

Bà Tân | : Session 3: Free Asking (will choose 5 question)

Bà Tân | : Don’t forget to join the group

Bà Tân | : Group will unmute now so everyone can ask questions.

Bà Tân | : Thanks for the questions from the community.

Bà Tân | : Now let’s give our dear guest @agajjala some time to go through them.

Q1. What is the role of token in the ecosystem? Where can people currently buy it?what would be its used? @agajjala

AG | Stader | Will not dm for money : SD token is the most critical part of the Stader eco system. SD is trading on Okx, Huobi, Bybit, Gate

Q2. How your tokens are in circulation and what is your total supply? What is the schedule for Unlocking of listen token? In short, please assist us with your structure of Tokenomics?

AG | Stader | Will not dm for money : Distribution:

Rewards + farming — 36%

Team + Advisors — 17%

Private sale — 17%

DAO fund — 15%

Ecosystem fund — 11%

Public sale — 4%

We have 150 million tokens in total. Below table clearly shows the distribution of SD tokens.

Team has a lock up of 6 months followed by 36 months vesting

Private sale participants have 36 months vesting

Q3. Could you please highlight the key utilities of the your Token? What primary roles does it play in the platform ?

AG | Stader | Will not dm for money : The major utilities for Stader SD tokens are:

The first major utility of SD token is that SD token stakers receive a % of protocol revenues as staking rewards. xSD is given out when you stake SD tokens. xSD can be locked up to receive a higher share of protocol fees and additional emissions. This also entitles users to governance rights to redirect emissions, vote on validators policies etc.

Second major utility for SD token is validators across stake pools and liquid staking will have to hold and stake SD tokens to receive preferential delegations.

The third utility is the following: Stader token holders can deposit SD-LUNA, SD-UST, SD-liquid LUNA pairs on Stader, and earn rewards for doing that.

Q4. Which chain are you using for your native token and do you plan integrate to BSC,POLKADOT in the future?

AG | Stader | Will not dm for money : SD token is an ERC20 token. We have bridged it to Terra as whSD. We plan to bridge and bring it to all major chains where we will launch SD token.

Q5. Revenue is an important aspect for all projects to survive and maintain the project / company. What is the way to generate profit / revenue of token? What is the income model?

AG | Stader | Will not dm for money : SD Tokens will earn revenue through the following mechanisms:

1. Commission on reward strategies: 3–10% management fees on staking rewards, if elected by governance stakers.

2. Commission on liquid staking tokens: 5–10% commission on staking rewards, if elected by governance stakers.

Q6. How do you deal with the security threats of your project? Do you have any AUDIT in recent times for trust?

AG | Stader | Will not dm for money : We have audited our Terra contracts 6 times. Every blockchain we go to, we audit the smart contracts twice at least.


Bà Tân | : Thanks for the useful information from @agajjala

Bà Tân | : End of session 3

Bà Tân | : For questions that have not been answered today, you can send them to @staderlabs for answers.

Bà Tân | : IM Community, if you would like to know more about Stader Labs ! here are some useful links for you:

Official Website:






AG | Stader | Will not dm for money : Thanks a lot everyone for the great response and being great listeners.

AG | Stader | Will not dm for money : Thoroughly enjoyed being here and look forward to coming back again.

Bà Tân | : Allright, I declare the Im Community AMA with Stader Labs has ended.

Thanks to @agajjala | Stader Labs joined us and provided us with Stader Labs information, we hope that this knowledge makes us understand more about (

To the members, thank you for following this event to the end. winners will be announced soon.




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