12 min readSep 5, 2022


⏰ AMA Timing : 2nd Sep 2022 l 12:00 PM UTC I 19:00 UTC + 7
Venue For AMA :

🎁 Reward Pool 100$

➡️ The reward pool for the best 5 questions from Telegram is $50($10 Each) 💸
➡️ The reward pool for the best 5 questions from Twitter is $50 ($10 Each) 💸
Bà Tân | :
Welcome @NEOFgame from NEOFANTASY ���

Bà Tân | : Welcome everyone. Today Im Community will host AMA with NEOFANTASY.

Bà Tân | : Today our guest is: @NEOFgame from NEOFANTASY.

Ahrix : Welcome @NEOFgame to the IM community.

Bà Tân | : Before the first, please introduce yourself a little bit: @NEOFgame ���

NEO FANTASY Official : Hello, everyone! How is your day? It’s my pleasure to participate in this AMA event at the invitation of IM Community.

NEO FANTASY Official : It’s Carrey from NEO FANTASY. I work as the PR Manager of NEO FANTASY.

Bà Tân | : Thanks for the introduction.

Bà Tân | : Today’s AMA will have 3 session

Session 1: Project Introduction

Session 2: Question From Twitter ( (will choose 5 question)

Session 3: Free Asking (will choose 5 question)

Bà Tân | : So let’s start the first part of the AMA — questions from Im Community!

Bà Tân | : Q1.Can you briefly describe what is NEOFANTASY? We would like to know more about it and how it works. @NEOFgame

NEO FANTASY Official : let’s get the ball rolling


NEO FANTASY is a blockchain-based ACGN metaverse game that combines NFT and DeFi into the gameplay in-depth, creating an ACGN world for users who like to explore the Metaverse by ACGN RPG games!

In NEO FANTASY, players array NFT Heroes to fight against the invasion of the Ancient Demons, complete the defense task, occupy Eternal Rock, and maintain the economic balance.

In addition, each hero has a unique personality, battle position, skill, and story. Players can fully enjoy the fun of NFT Hero collecting and training through multi-line training strategies.

Meanwhile, there are massive and creative dungeons in the game, allowing players to apply multi-strategies, play and stop anytime, and win rich rewards. Players can enjoy the brilliant P2E gaming experience.


Bà Tân | : Q2.What are the products that the NEOFANTASY team is focusing on developing? @NEOFgame

NEO FANTASY Official : We are determined to bring the joy of traditional gaming to P2E gaming, while creatively offering our players a sustainable way to earn money. Our philosophy is that a game is not just a means of making money, the game itself must be as engaging, thrilling and addictive as any other traditional game.

It ’s idle play. Players can easily get started, occupy Eternal Rock and continuously gain revenue without consuming a lot of time to instantly realize the game resource collection and easily experience P2E.

Various types and difficulties of dungeons waiting for players to explore, defeat the BOSS to get a generous reward.

A total of 6 clans designed a total of more than 100 Legendary and Epic Heroes for players to collect and cultivate, flexible with heroes to form a battle squad and fight for you, you can also trade with other players to obtain multiple types of revenue.

Collect Legendary and Epic NFT Artifacts, try your best to improve the attributes of the artifacts to get superior equipment effects and win easily.

For the PVP Mode:, creating competition between players, and rewarding the winner and punishing the loser a little are proven methods to increase player activity in many games, and in NEO FANTASY, such competition is in many places.


Bà Tân | : Nice, thanks for such a detailed answer, lets move on!

Bà Tân | : Q3.What are the outstanding features of the NEOFANTASY project compared to other projects? @NEOFgame

NEO FANTASY Official : There are several key features that make our project stand out

The 1st point is that it is User-friendly Easy to start.

With the gradual growth logic, players do not need to invest much at the beginning to start the game easily and experience P2E with quality comparable to traditional games.

The 2nd one is that the System setting enhances the activity level.

The strong PVP model, by setting most of the player’s income in PVP play, makes players focus on PVP, thus effectively increasing the player’s online activity time and stickiness, and greatly improving the game’s operational effectiveness.

The 3rd feature is the Stable economic system. That is to say the concept of hero Star Ascending and the consumption of heroes of the same race allow the redundant hero NFT in the game to be useful at any time, improving NFT liquidity and ensuring the stability of players’ earnings.

Lastly, we do user stratification.

Players are effectively stratified, redundant players of different input sizes are effectively stratified through PVP, PVE and regular quests and activities, so that all types of players can find their place in the game and get stable P2E returns.


Bà Tân | : Great, sounds promising, thanks!

Bà Tân | : Please give our community some info on the next point

Bà Tân | : Q4.Can NEOFANTASY team please update some NEOFANTASY latest news or major events to attract more users?

NEO FANTASY Official : yes

Recently we have made several progress. We have optimized the game system, especially the economic system. We have dropped a series of Pre-launch events including the alpha test, in which players can experience the gameplay in advance and win more rewards, like Token, NFT, whitelist, etc.

The 2nd round of our alpha test is ongoing, plz take the chance to experience the gameplay and win more rewards:

Our next steps are the IGO, NFT mystery box sale in mid September. Then the game will be officially launched in September. So please keep on our socials for our next announcement!


Bà Tân | : Impressive, thanks!

Bà Tân | : And the last question is…

Bà Tân | : Q5. What is the development roadmap of the NEOFANTASY project at present and in the future?

NEO FANTASY Official : We began to plan our product, develop art, the game system, and the Tokenomic Model

in 2021 Q3. Then moving to the R&D phase in 2021 Q4, when we completed the smart contract programming and fundraising. Since 2022 Q1, system optimization and website development have been finished. Next is the Spreading Phase in 2022 Q2, in which our team did business validation and game operation preparation

Currently we are in the growth phase (2022 Q3).

Recently we have done several preparations regarding Marketing preparation and PR preparation. In addition, there will be other milestones in the growth phase, such as the NFT Issuance and Trading, List on Top-tier DEXs To Expand Liquidity, Auto Chess System Development and so on.

In terms of our future plan. We are working to construct the new world of ACGN by the end of this year, and we are determined to move to the mature phase and ecosystem phase next year. By the end of 2022, we will create a new world of ACGN, where players can enjoy the game, airdrop and transaction. In 2023, NEO FANTASY will support any NFT to enter the virtual world for socializing, gaming, petting, partying and fashion shows. A gentle and fun new world of ACGN will welcome all your participation then.


Bà Tân | : Great answers!

Bà Tân | : Thank you for your efforts and time ���

Bà Tân | : End of session 1

Bà Tân | : We will move on to session 2.

Bà Tân | : Session 2: Question From Twitter ( (will choose 5 question)

Bà Tân | : Question1. Before you conduct your token launch, will you also be conducting any major community event such as airdrop campaigns? If so, would you please discuss with us your airdrop events if there are any ongoing right now? How can we be part of it? @Don_vai_1

NEO FANTASY Official : Thx for the question. Currently, we have launched many airdrop events, both on Twitter and the gaming communities. I strongly recommend you to follow our official twitter, and join in the learm&earn events, or some giveaway events to win our Token, $ERT. Also, plz join in our telegram group and Discord to check other new airdrop events.

NEO FANTASY Official Channels








Bà Tân | : Question2. One of the drawbacks of some P2E games is that they require a high initial investment to start playing, many of which are very expensive. Can we start playing #NEOFANTASY_Game ( Game with a small amount of capital? Will there be any discounts or benefits for early subscribers? @SaraTaLor77

NEO FANTASY Official : Thx for the question. One key feature of our project is that it is User-friendly Easy to start. In other words, with the gradual growth logic, players do not need to invest much at the beginning to start the game easily and experience P2E with quality comparable to traditional games.

In the future, our team is planning to launch some discount events, allowing more players to enjoy the game and gain stable income.


Bà Tân | : Question3. What are the additional benefits of holding $FTS ( tokens over not holding your tokens and are there also advantages $FTS ( for long term holders? What plans do you have in place to help drive token demand and scarcity? @janat32470

NEO FANTASY Official : $FTS is the primary utility token resource in the game.

Every game behavior of players has the opportunity to trigger $FTS Drop, the drop rates depending on Hero’s stars. The higher level of the player and squad, the easier to collect more $FTS. The collected $FTS can be used in the game or traded at the Exchange Hall to other players. Of course, players could play a role as a game merchant to resell $FTS and get more $ERT.


Bà Tân | : Question4. Most NFTs games currently suffer low player base due to expensive initial cost for a new player to take part in the game, How does “NEOFANTASY_Game” is attracting large group of players? can you talk some of its which make it different from other? @afraheim_ah

NEO FANTASY Official : Here I wanna highlight several advantages of our project

Our philosophy is that a game is not just a means of making money, the game itself must be as engaging, thrilling and addictive as any other traditional game.

for the economic system of our game, NEO FANTASY will implement a multi-tokenomic system consisting of a primary governance token $ERT (ETERNAL ROCK TOKEN) and an in-game utility token $FTS (FANTASY).

Our economic system is trying to bring additional financial revenue to the active participants in the ecosystem.

It is important to note that, unlike other projects in the market, the in-game utility $FTS can only be circulated in-game. However, players can accumulate $FTS to acquire more $ERT through the Exchange Hall. This will increase the number of interactive users of NEO FANTASY and increase the liquidity of $ERT, thus forming a strong circular economy

For the gaming experience side, the game is also very lively and exciting.

For instance, a total of 6 races designed a total of more than 100 Legendary and Epic Heroes for players to collect and cultivate, flexible with heroes to form a battle squad and fight for you, you can also trade with other players to obtain multiple types of revenue.


Bà Tân | : Question5. As the popularity of streaming services such as YouTube and Twitch increases, there are many cases in the game industry where collaboration with streamers leads to the popularity of games. Is #NeoFantasy ( planning to collaborate with these popular streamers as part of marketing? @vicky64812448 (

NEO FANTASY Official : There is no doubt that collaboration with streamers leads to the popularity of games.

Currently, you can see some videoes regarding the NEO FANTASY on YouTube and Twiiter.

We are planning to collaborate with more streamers of different platforms in the future. So you guys will see many streaming of our game soon


Bà Tân | : Congratulations to the winners of session 2.






Bà Tân | : Alright, Session 2 has finished perfectly. Appreciate your detailed responses @NEOFgame ���

Bà Tân | : End of session 2

Bà Tân | : We’ll move on to session 3

Bà Tân | : Session 3: Free Asking (will choose 5 question)

Bà Tân | : Don’t forget to join the group

Bà Tân | : Group will unmute now so everyone can ask questions.

Bà Tân | : Thanks for the questions from the community.

Q1. Can you provide more details of your NFT?

NEO FANTASY Official : glad to hear that you are interested in our NFT

In the NEO FANTASY, NFTs are not just something you can collect. Instead, we will empower them with special game benefits.

NFT Heroes

A total of 6 races designed a total of more than 100 Legendary and Epic Heroes for players to collect and cultivate, flexible with heroes to form a battle squad and fight for you, you can also trade with other players to obtain multiple types of revenue.

Six races are divided into TERRAN, AQUA, DWARF, ORC, DRAGON, and ELVE. Races restrain each other. Races can cause an additional 10% damage to the restrained race and an additional 10% reduction in damage from the restrained race. There are several different attributes of the Hero NFT, such as Hero Tier, Hero Stars. Hero Skills, and Energy.

Also, the NFT Artifacts are coming soon!

You can collect Legendary and Epic NFT Artifacts, try your best to improve the attributes of the artifacts to get superior equipment effects and win easily.


Q2. Can you briefly describe the gameplay of your product? like how to play and how to earn?

NEO FANTASY Official : When the player enters the game, he can use his NFTs for P2E, like completing tasks, playing different dungeons, or by PVP in the arena. Then he can use the output token for in-game consumption, like NFT purchase, equipment upgrade and so on. Also $FTS and $ERT can be exchanged in our Exchange Hall.

Q3. What is your future plan and long-term goal?

NEO FANTASY Official : In terms of our future plan. We are working to construct the new world of ACGN by the end of this year, and we are determined to move to the mature phase and ecosystem phase next year. By the end of 2022, we will create a new world of ACGN, where players can enjoy the game, airdrop and transaction. In 2023, NEO FANTASY will support any NFT to enter the virtual world for socializing, gaming, petting, partying and fashion shows. A gentle and fun new world of ACGN will welcome all your participation then.

Q4. What are the advantages of your multi-token system? kinda of interested in it.

NEO FANTASY Official : The first advantage is the Utility Token.

$FTS is the primary utility token resource in the game, and can be only applied in the game.

While $ERT can be applied to the whole NEO FANTASY Ecology.

The 2nd advantage is Sustainable Value

● The utilities and value of tokens will be maintained through various in-game scenes and external needs.

● NFT transactions and new product launches will increase the utilities and demands of tokens and preserve the intrinsic value of tokens.

● The limited NFT issuance retains the value of tokens.

The 3rd advantage is Sufficient Liquidity.

All participants can conduct transactions without restrictions. Tokens will be widely used in all blockchain games and Metaverse based on NEO FANTASY IP.

Q5. Is your project a community only for English speaking an countries or for users not of other languages?

NEO FANTASY Official : Currently we do only got the English one. But in the following days, we will build up new communities of different languages. So look forward about it, you can meet more mates in our communities.

NEO FANTASY Official : thx for your nice questions.

Bà Tân | : Congratulations to the winners of session 3.






Bà Tân | : Thanks for the useful information from @NEOFgame

Bà Tân | : End of session 3

Bà Tân | : For questions that have not been answered today, you can send them to @NEOFANTASY_group for answers.

Bà Tân | : IM Community, if you would like to know more about NEOFANTASY ! here are some useful links for you:






Bà Tân | : Allright, I declare the Im Community AMA with NEOFANTASY has ended.

Thanks to @NEOFgame | NEOFANTASY joined us and provided us with NEOFANTASY information, we hope that this knowledge makes us understand more about (

To the members, thank you for following this event to the end. winners will be announced soon.

NEO FANTASY Official : thx for the precious chance for me to share about our project. have a nice day! hope you enjoy our game!




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