LABS Group x Im Community AMA Recap

11 min readJul 6, 2021


🐋 TELEGRAM AMA: Im Community & LABS Group 🐋
⏰ AMA Timing : 02 July 2021 l 02:00 PM UTC l 21:00 GMT+7
Venue For AMA :

🎁 Reward Pool 100 USDT
Bà Tân | :
Welcome @Yuen_Wong_LABS from LABS Group Welcome @Yuen_Wong_LABS from LABS Group

Bà Tân | : Welcome everyone. Today Im Community will host AMA with LABS Group.

Bà Tân | : Today our guest is: @Yuen_Wong_LABS from LABS Group.

Bà Tân | : Please introduce yourself a bit: @Yuen_Wong_LABS

Yuen : My name is Yuen, and I’m the founder and CEO of LABS Group, which is a digitised real estate investment ecosystem powered by blockchain.

My background has always been in blockchain and real estate, and that’s why I’m doing this great project with a great team!

Prior to launching LABS, I was Managing Partner for a UK property company. I’m also Bitmart managing partner and there doing project collaboration. This allows me to learn what makes or breaks a blockchain project.

Lastly, you can follow us here:


Bà Tân | : Thanks for the introduction.

Bà Tân | : Today’s AMA will have 3 sessions

Sessions 1: The chat will be muted & the team will introduce themselves then we will ask some introduction questions to the team LABS Group

Sessions 2: We will pick 5 Best Question from our members on Our Tweet (

Sessions 3: The conversation will open to the community questions and the 5 best questions will be selected.

Bà Tân | : Rules to follow AMA : ⤵️

▫️ Join : Telegram group LABS Group ( , LABS Group Announcement Channel ( and IM Community ( , Channel Im community (

▫️Follow: Twitter LABS Group ( and IM Community (

Web & Community:


Bà Tân | : Those who haven’t joined @labsgroupio group will not be eligible for AMA rewards, make sure you did.

Bà Tân | : Start session 1 AMA @Yuen_Wong_LABS

Yuen : Ok let’s go😌🙂

Bà Tân | : Question1. First, give a brief introduction about the LABS Group to the community. @Yuen_Wong_LABS

Yuen : LABS, which stands for Liquifying Asset Backed Securities, is a Digitised Real Estate Investment Ecosystem.

LABS’ vision is to make real estate for everyone by changing the way people invest in real estate thru digitalisation, thereby solving the high involvement and transactional costs as well as illiquidity.

The blockchain powered ecosystem is comprised of:

1. Primary trading platform: the token issuance and Crowdfunding platform

2. Secondary trading platform: Digitised Real Estate Exchange, regulated and able to target retail investors.

3. Auxiliary DeFi platforms: staking pools, collaterised lending platform and integration of DEX. Plus use of NFT on property.

4. Issuance of NFT on resorts and hotels as well as on property funds.

LABS tokens are utility tokens with the G.A.I.N.S. model, namely governance, access (to projects), Incentives, nomination (rights) and staking (for rewards).


Bà Tân | : Question2. What products are Labs developing? @Yuen_Wong_LABS

Yuen : Our ground breaking project which is coming now:

The first ever community powered and owned NFT fractionalised Resort.

This is the world’s first entire resort that will be recommended for everyday people to both enjoy and invest in direct resort and hotel deal.

Bà Tân | : Great.

We work with our strategic partner Gravity Resorts to bring you this unique deal, very exciting, and it is a glamping concept, meaning glamorous camping😌

And LABS has done all due diligence on behalf for you to invest easily, namely the feasibility study, valuation report and site visit.

Hello @TylerW1 ,

Here you may find:

Our project site:

An article on everything you need to know about the Rewarding timeshare NFT auction:

Let me know if you have any questions or if there’s any other information I can facilitate for you.

Emailing Valuation Report — L.A.B.S Group — FIN2105081(a).pdf

And you can see from the above valuation report.

We will conduct the auction sales of the NFTs (total of 365) on 15th July, all starting at cost price.

On Refinable NFT marketplace.


Bà Tân | : Question3. What role does LABS token play in your ecosystem? What benefits will users who hold LABS Tokens get? @Yuen_Wong_LABS


LABS tokens are Ecosystem tokens (Utility tokens) with our special G.A.I.N.S. model :

G.A.I.N.S model:


Our token holders can vote on important matters of interests.


LABS token holders can get early access to real estate projects that the ecosystem introduces.


LABS token holders can get incentives should they decide to get involved in our projects on our ecosystem.


LABS token holders can nominate projects they wish to be launched on our platforms and be rewarded.

…Staking (for rewards)

LABS token holders can stake the tokens to get rewards. LABS will use its governed 80 percent profit generated by the LABS ecosystem to buy back LABS tokens from the open market in a quarterly manner, and distribute to the staking pool in accordance to the size and days staked in the pool.

By buying back from open markets with the ecosystem profits, the token price would be boosted and holders will be rewarded when the ecosystem gets even bigger traction.

This unique mechanism will address the needs of short term investors and mid long terms holders.

For example, in this coming Resort NFT program, LABS group will generate incomes from Beijing the fund manager, the NFT project manager, and also in the transactional fees on the NFTs.

And all these will be considered as LABS ecosystem profits and will be used to buy back LABS tokens from the open markets and distributed to LABS token stakers.


Bà Tân | : Question4. Could you please tell us some progress on your Roadmap and the results LABS has made so far? @Yuen_Wong_LABS

Yuen : As mentioned, this NFT fractionalised will be our first project, and we are working on others, including Japan, Thailand, Mexico and hopefully Vietnam too.

Can we allow two minutes here for your community to view this quick video?🙂😌

Bà Tân | : Yes, sure.

Photo from Yuen

Quick overview on the benefits of the rewarding timeshare (RTS) NFTs

You can also find out more about the resort here


Bà Tân | : Question5. What is LABS plans for this year? @Yuen_Wong_LABS

🍀Jőhn L🍀 : awesome

Yuen : To keep in introducing good real estate projects so that everyday people can also involved in they our fractionalised process.

LABS will also be building collaterised lending platform so that the token owners can stake them and borrow against them to achieve financial leveraging like professional real estate investors.

That’s how they get rich, through leveraging. So LABS want to make that better thru blockchain.


Bà Tân | : End of session 1

Bà Tân | : We will move on to session 2

Bà Tân | : Sessions 2: We will pick 5 Best Question from our members on Our Tweet (

Bà Tân | : Question1. What is your plan for global expansion? At present, which market does Labs Gruop focus on, and what feature is it focusing on to to gain users, investors and partners? @Thng87161386

Yuen : LABS Group will focus on global everyday investors. As for projects , we want to focus firstly on SEA real estates, and not on resorts and hotels because now is the best timing for this in our opinion.

Some see crisis we see opportunities.

We focus on bringing liquidity to projects and investment, and reducing the barriers to entry on real estate investment.


Bà Tân | : Question2.In the world of cryptocurrencies, we see many NTF projects, but LABS is the first in the real estate market.What is your vision in this industry in the short and long term @SharayLug

Yuen : LABS vision on this series of projects is simple:

To bring resort and hotel investment and enjoyment possible for everyone.

And we will help to resolve all due diligence, legal compliance and structuring, and distributions of returns so that everyone will have the ease of mind.

Never before one can invest directly in such deals without the involvement and profiteering of middlemen.

That’s a breakthrough.


Bà Tân | : Question3. How is the LABS RED fund different from other funds? Is it an indispensable fund for the operation of your project? What role does Labs Red play for NFTs? @quachthingoc96

Yuen : Emailing REDF_Synopsis-1.pdf

Above is a quick overview of our LABS RED Fund, which stands for Real Estate Digitisation Fund.

This is used to commit on the acquisition of the entire resort, and manage the legal, admin, transfer as well as the marketing and administration of the NFT auction.

The fund is backed by 90 years of profit sharing 100 percent. And when the NFT are sold during the auction, the premiums and principals will be used to reward to the fund contributors.

If all NFT are sold out, all fund contributors can be exited with good returns within a short cycle.

All current contributors will also be given first preference to invest in future rounds.

You can find more info here:

Emailing REDF.pdf

And here.


Bà Tân | : Question4. How can Polygon helps LABS’ vision to make real estate for everyone by changing the way people invest in real estate through digitalisation, thereby solving the high involvement and transactional costs as well as illiquidity actualize and turned into reality quickly? @PoyrazOmery

Yuen : LABS want to build a multi chain platform and certainly Matic network by Polygon is a great choice, since they reduce the transactional costs and provide scalability.

So that transactions will be cheap and hence that can reduce the average investment and returns distribution size.

Also applies on staking and such.


Bà Tân | : Question5.We are currently in the boom of the NFT market, which revolutionizes all DeFi with its authentication features and indefinite value, do you think that the NFTs provided in #LABS will be able to compete and keep up with a market that is in full development @QuPhi14

Yuen : Yes certainly, since issuing the NFT on the resort not only reducing the size of investment for everyone, it also allows the different rewards and incentives to be allocated to each like a unique and identifiable membership.

And doing fractionalised NFT on resorts and hotels is a business model breakthrough and not easy, since it requires both undertaking of the traditional real estate knowledge as well as the blockchain and tech side.

LABS is extremely proud to have achieved on this and lead the industry.


Bà Tân | : End of session 2

Bà Tân | : We’ll move on to session 3

Bà Tân | : Sessions 3: The conversation will open to the community questions and the best questions will be selected.

Bà Tân | : Rules to follow AMA : ⤵️

▫️ Join : Telegram group LABS Group ( , LABS Group Announcement Channel ( and IM Community ( , Channel Im community (

▫️Follow: Twitter LABS Group ( and IM Community (

Web & Community:


Bà Tân | : Those who haven’t joined @labsgroupio group will not be eligible for AMA rewards, make sure you did.

Bà Tân | : Thanks for the questions from the community.

Bà Tân | : @Yuen_Wong_LABS Pick the 5 best questions and answer it for session 3.

Q1. Collaboration and partnerships are one of the cornerstones to making DeFi more widespread, Can you share some of the partnerships you have formed with existing blockchain foundations recently?

Yuen : LABS has partnerships with the following:

Polygon: to integrate them and make us a cost efficient and scalable multi chain platform

Enjin: the largest NFT project and to issue ethereum based NFT on

Refinable: Binance invested NFT marketplace and we will conductpour NFT auction with them

XIN group: the NYSE property listco that lends us support on the property side

Gravity Resort: our resort developer and manager partner for our NFT resort projects

DeCredit: together we will build the collaterised lending platform for real estate projects

And many more… Please follow us to find the details

Q2. Currently most investors only care about profits at the moment but ignore the long-term benefits. So can you give them some advice why they should buy and hold this token/coin in the long term?

Yuen : LABS will be launching more and more real estate projects and all these will bring long term ecosystem profits to the platform and in turn rewards the long term holders in accordance to our GAINS model.

Q3. 🔥🔥��🔥 Can you tell me the reason why this project is worthy to invest into compared to its already established competitors?

Yuen : This is so because LABS is into disrupting the traditional real estate investment world by resolving two main pain points:

The lack of liquidity and the high costs of involvement.

If we succeed in doing this, we actually move the cheese of the traditional players and bring that to our supporters.

For example, in our coming NFT resort project, we bring resort and hotel investment and enjoyment directly for everyday investors.

Q4. Trust is very important in business. So, what makes investors, customers and users feel safe when working with LABS? And how will you get the trust of many users that have negative thoughts about Blockchain and DeFi?

Yuen : All the LABS team members are doxxed and public.

Our chairman is from the renowned Harilela family in Hong Kong that owns 19 hotels.

I’m also the managing partner of Bitmart and the director of a US public company.

Many of our advisors are distinguished people, including Boxmining and chairman of listco.

Our partners includes famous projects such as Polygon, Enjin as well as Hong Kong listco and US listco.

I guess that would be enough for you to trust us?

Q5. How will you attract potential users to your platform considering that it is powered by blockchain ?

Yuen : Because of using blockchain and our LABS ecosystem, everything is trackable, accountable, and transparent.

And with blockchain, we make real estate investment possible for everyday people by make it liquid and easy to be involved by reducing the investment size by fractionalising and doing due diligence on behalf hence making cross border investments easy and possible.

All these should attract users as well as projects to work with us.

Yuen : Ok thanks all for having me.

Together, we will make real estate investment possible and easy for everyone.

Bà Tân | : Thanks for the useful information from @Yuen_Wong_LABS

Bà Tân | : End of session 3

Bà Tân | : For questions that have not been answered today, you can send them to @labsgroupio for answers

Yuen : And watch our simple explained video! Don’t forget our date😎

Bà Tân | : IM Community, if you would like to know more about LABS Group! here are some useful links for you:

Official Website:




Medium :

Bà Tân | : Allright, I declare the Im Community AMA with LABS Group has ended.

Thanks to @Yuen_Wong_LABS | LABS Group joined us and provided us with LABS Group information, we hope that this knowledge makes us understand more about

To the members, thank you for following this event to the end. winners will be announced soon.

Bà Tân | : Today’s AMA winners please PM @quocnguyen1234 to provide reward information. Thanks everyone .

Ahrix : Thanks @Yuen_Wong_LABS for joining the AMA today. Have a good day.




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