Grise token x Im Community AMA Recap

8 min readApr 23, 2021

🐋 TELEGRAM AMA: Im Community & Grise token 🐋
⏰ AMA Timing : 21 April 2021 l 12:00 AM UTC l 19:00 GMT+7
Venue For AMA :

🎁 Reward Pool 100 USDT

Quốc Nguyên : Welcome everyone. Today Im Community will host AMA with Grise token

Quốc Nguyên : Today our guest is: @Grisehunted from Grise token

Quốc Nguyên : Please introduce yourself a bit: @Grisehunted

GR : Sure, first I would like to thank you guys for having me. I’m the founder of grise token. Personally I have been in the crypto space for about 4 years, and i have seen all the best and worst projects. I took the best part of all the projects and created . I’m an engineer by trade and iam very excited and passionate about this space!!!!

Quốc Nguyên : Thanks for the introduction

Quốc Nguyên : Today’s AMA will have 3 sessions

Sessions 1: The chat will be muted & the team will introduce themselves then we will ask some in-troduction questions to the team Grise token

Sessions 2: We will pick 5 Best Question from our members on Our Tweet ( .

Sessions 3: The conversation will open to the community questions and the 5 best questions will be selected.

Quốc Nguyên : Rules to follow AMA : ⤵️

▫️ Join : Telegram group Grise token ( , [Official Announcement Channel] ( and IM Community ( , Channel Im community

(▫️Follow: Twitter ( and IM Community (

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Quốc Nguyên : @Grisehunted Please say “Done” when you have finished the question, thank you.

GR : done

Quốc Nguyên : Start session 1 AMA

Quốc Nguyên : Q1. Can you provide a brief introduction to the core team behind Grise Finance ?

GR : Sure so our team is comprise of 10 members broken down in 3 teams. We have our smart contract team comprised of 2 backend developers and 1 front end developer. We have our AI team comprised of 2 AI scientist and 1 front end developer. We have a marketing team of 3 members and than myself as the manager. We are all very passionate aabout this project

Quốc Nguyên : @Grisehunted Please say “Done” when you have finished the question, thank you.

Quốc Nguyên : Q2. Can you talk a bit about what innovations has Grise Finance brought ?

GR : Sure so we are a fork of wise token in terms of our sale contract the famous projet on eth that did 100x . But we will be on BNB and eth. We will be much better than them since our rewards are much higher we have NFT market place. And on top of it the most exciting thing is our AI PRICE PREDICTION PLATFORM. That can analyze the history of any coin and predict where the coin is going to go. It not 100percent accurate yet but its better than any human. This platform will be availaible to all stakers and NFT holders.


Quốc Nguyên : Thanks

Quốc Nguyên : Q3. About Grise Finance security, how safe and reliable is the Grise Finance security system?

GR : Sure, so we are audited and we have tested the project over 5 times. Security is the most important thing and we are extremely aware of this and this has been our biggest priority. We have worked on this project for over 8 months to make sure eVERy thing is perfect.

Quốc Nguyên : Q4. What are the major milestones Grise Finance achieved so far & what are in future pipeline ?

GR : Sure so we have completed our ai platform all the development we will have our contract live at the end of the months so participants can participate. It is the most fair sale event the way its structured. Our next step after this is releasing our AI platform after which we will be releasing our AI platform this will happen by the end of next month. After which we will release our liquidity staking vaults


Quốc Nguyên : End of session 1

Quốc Nguyên : Rules to follow AMA : ⤵️

▫️ Join : Telegram group Grise token ( , [Official Announcement Channel] ( and IM Community ( , Channel Im community

(▫️Follow: Twitter ( and IM Community (

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Quốc Nguyên : We will move on to session 2

Sessions 2: We will pick 5 Best Question from our members on Our Tweet (

GR : Awesome

Quốc Nguyên : Question1. @PotokGadang

You’ve also used the phrase “Multi-Asset Staking” a fair bit…

How does this differ to single asset staking and what’s the point of it contextual to the #GRISEFINANCE Network?

GR : You can only stake grise either on bsc or eth. The advantage will be rewards as well as access to our ai platform which is top notch.


Quốc Nguyên : Question 2 . @Romadel33

You say that in GRISE FINANCE, an additional 2% of tokens will be rewarded in the short term, to reduce transaction fees. 3.47%, is it possible that in the future that 2% will increase in value in order to reach zero fees?

GR : Well the 2% is to offset the transaction fees for short terms stakers. Which is increment of 1 week up to 3 months. If you stake for 3 moths or over you get an extra 3.47 percent which completely eliminates the transaction fees!


Quốc Nguyên : Question 3. @Afnanwahid3

Smart contracts are vulnerable to bugs, and even recently three big new DeFi projects were victims of this, costing users funds. How efficient and secured is your smart contract, and did you ever audit it via any external party?

GR : We have done a full audit of the contract. And we have fully tested the project on our own as well over 5 times on ropsten test net and bsc test net


Quốc Nguyên : Question 4 . @Jonaz06739447

What is the advantages of holding for this token for long-term? What is your plan to increase the demand and scarcity of the token? Will you burn them or have buy-back plan?

GR : Yes there is a very small token burn for each transaction that happens. And almost all the eth and bnb raised will be locked in liquidity. This will cause the stakers and long-term holders to get a lot of value. Apart from that we plan to bring inherent value to our token through bringing real value. The first example of this is our AI price prediction model


Quốc Nguyên : Question 5 . @Zafiyakhan

Community support is one of the biggest aspects of a project’s success. Most projects have programs that interact with their users. Does you have any special plans to attract and expand the community and improve the user experience?

GR : Yea we have a whole marketing team that is a taking the lead on this one. We have a lot of marketing plans as well we will be workng with a lot of influnecers,


Quốc Nguyên : End of session 2

Quốc Nguyên : We’ll move on to session 3

Quốc Nguyên : Rules to follow AMA : ⤵️

▫️ Join : Telegram group Grise token ( , [Official Announcement Channel] ( and IM Community ( , Channel Im community

(▫️Follow: Twitter ( and IM Community (

Web & Community:


Quốc Nguyên : Sessions 3: The conversation will open to the community questions and the best questions will be selected.

Quốc Nguyên : Those who haven’t joined @grisetokengroup will not be eligible for AMA rewards, make sure you did.

Quốc Nguyên : Are you ready @Grisehunted

GR : always

Quốc Nguyên : Countdown




Quốc Nguyên : Wow

Quốc Nguyên : @Grisehunted Pick the 5 best questions and answer it for session 3

Q1. I Love STAKING & will always be interested in the Staking where investors get passive income from, so what are the Staking Pool pairs at Grise Finance? What makes your Staking ecosystem more attractive to investors & connoisseurs of the Staking ecosystem like me?

GR : We have the best staking rewards our stakers get transactional fees rewards yearly inflation rewards. Staking pools are set to go live in a few months and apart from that. The stakers get full access to top of the line ai price prediction models. Which is very expensive if you try to get it on your own

Q2. TELL us about your marketing strategies

How do you plan to make this project known?


GR : Sure so we have a full marketing team and we are working with a few influencers follow us for up comin marketing events!

Q3. The market is SO HOT RIGHT NOW, so do you have any concerns about missing the window by releasing later rather than sooner?

GR : We release on april 30th. And we list on pancake swap 2 weeks after that!

Q4. How can I contribute to your Project? What must we do to make your project the biggest, most potential project now and in the future?@Grisehunted

GR : Sure you can participate in the up coming TGE event it starts on the 30th

Q5. What is your advantage over other projects? Is it from a security point of view or the technology you are using? Or are there other advantages? What makes you believe that your project is worth choosing?

GR : We are better than other projects because we provide in herent value for our tokens. If you were to get access to some of the price prediction models for crypto you will have to pay thousands of dollars. We are giving that to our stakers for a very minimal cost of holding some of our tokens and staking it.

Q6. In how many ways or what are the ways your project generate revenue? What is the revenue model? How it can be beneficial for both investors and for project itself?

GR : Sure we have a lot in the pipeline includin and ai platform nft market place and another very big project we are working on details of which will be announced later.

Q7. How has the experience and background of your team been effective in the success of your project so far and how do you aim to revolutionize the field of blockchain and NFT?

GR : My team is one of the best. They are extremely passionate about this project they work well together. ANd i love my Team

Q8. Many new projects develop well at first, but then fail to achieve good results. How will you manage and develop your project to gain a position in the market and become a good project in the blockchain industry?

GR : We have a road map and things in development till the end of this year

OK guys if you have any other questions join our channel

we will be more than willing to answer any of your questions.

Quốc Nguyên : @Grisehunted has great answers

GR : I got luck with them

Quốc Nguyên : Wow nice

Thanks for the useful information from @Grisehunted

GR : Absolutely

Brother thank you for having us

This was a good ama. Peace and love to you and your community

thank you guys ❤️

Quốc Nguyên : End of session 3

Quốc Nguyên : For questions that have not been answered today, you can send them to @grisetoken answers.

Quốc Nguyên : Allright, I declare the Im Community AMA with Grise token has ended.

Thanks to @Grisehunted | Grise token joined us and provided us with Grise token informa-tion, we hope that this knowledge makes us understand more about

To the members, thank you for following this event to the end. winners will be announced soon.

🍀Jőhn L🍀 : thank for your time




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