Frontera x IM community AMA RECAP

9 min readJan 23, 2022

🐋TELEGRAM AMA: Im Community & Frontera 🐋
⏰ AMA Timing : 21 January 2022 l 12:00 PM UTC l 19:00 GMT +7
Venue For AMA :

🎁 Reward Pool 100 USDT

➡️ The reward pool for the best 5 questions from Telegram is $50($10 Each) 💸
➡️ The reward pool for the best 5 questions from Twitter is $50 ($10 Each) 💸
Bà Tân | :
Welcome @Stephanusng, @NGE82 from Frontera ���

Bà Tân | : Welcome everyone. Today Im Community will host AMA with Frontera

Bà Tân | : Today our guest is: @Stephanusng, @NGE82 from Frontera

Ahrix : Welcome @Stephanusng, @NGE82 to the IM community.

Bà Tân | : Please introduce yourself a bit @Stephanusng, @NGE82 ���

NGE : hello

NGE : for sure

NGE : My name is Eddy, I am director of Blockchain company based in Singapore who help MSMEs creating digital identity and credit scoring when we started back in 2019, currently focusing building layer 2 to help NFT Metaverse project to grow their presence and technology.

NGE : my background was in Banking as i was a banker and cofounded a startup in 2015 and exited the company by being acquired by a larger organization in 2018

NGE : Done

Bà Tân | : Thanks for the introduction.

Bà Tân | : Today’s AMA will have 3 session

Session 1: Project Introduction

Session 2: Question From Twitter ( (will choose 5 question)

Session 3: Free Asking (will choose 5 question)

Bà Tân | : Start session 1 AMA.

Bà Tân | : Question1. Can you briefly describe what is Frontera? We would like to know more about it and how it works.

Bà Tân | : Hi @darejow

Darrel Jowono : Hey guys

NGE : For sure

Super great question

Frontera is one of a kind, it is the first NFT Metaverse project launched from Bali and in exploration to be in a couple Blockchain protocols, and consist of team from different background who has one mission which is to help people Create their own metaverse, Earn through play to earn and sell their NFTs and own a piece of the Frontera realm. we call it C.E.O Create Earn and Own

Lastly, I am helping Frontera to become an exclusive partner of an event organizer for Offline events, DJ parties. We are currently signing deals with Cafes, Bar and Restaurant in Bali so that Frontera NFT owners can enjoy the exclusive private events.

we call this movement a lifestyle moment

If you are youngsters across the region, mint our NFTs and you will get such a lifetime experience.

Bà Tân | : Please say “Done” when you have finished the question, thank you.

NGE : ah one more thing, would like to also introduce our Global Community Director @darejow

he came onboard with a media, lifestyle, and entertainment background, have so many partners to work with across South East Asia and the USA


Darrel Jowono : Hey guys! Excited to be apart of the team

Bà Tân | : Question2. What are the game products that Frontera team focuses on developing?

NGE : currently working on a battle gaming inside of Frontera realm (The metaverse) this is something that the team have been prepared to do and it is on development, before the game launch we will do an onchain gaming for our holders to earn, to create more income for them.

With @darejow on board, he will build more into a real life exclusive experience with events and entertainment acitvity

Darrel can share more

in regards of the community


@darejow can add more

he is excited to tell what’s to come

Darrel Jowono : Thank for the introductions, I’ve successfully build an FnB group that consists of 5 outlets here in jakarta with future expansions to Bali

Also, on another venture we’ve held multiple concerts and events ranging from LANY, Honne, Jakarta Block Party festivals, Etc

Lastly we also started a production house that focuses on content creation and is on track to produce 2 OTT series this year

We’re planning to integrate these communities and experiences with Frontera

To establish an online and offline benefits to our communities

And not just with my ventures but with other ventures alike as well in many different countries

And build frontera as not just a NFT project, but as a Brand and as an IP with all of its experiences and benefits

Bà Tân | : @darejow Please say “Done” when you have finished the question, thank you.

NGE : Done

Bà Tân | : Question3. What are the outstanding features of the Frontera project compared to other projects ?

NGE : The most outstanding features are the one i mentioned above, we call it C.E.O of Metavers

you will be able to Create Stories, Earn income and own a piece of Frontera realm. Another notable features like Darrel have mentioned above it is the conjunction between metaverse and real world, where holders of NFT can enjoy the benefit in the real world and earn inside of the metaverse, i don’t think there is any NFT doing that now


Bà Tân | : Question4. What role does the $TOKO token play in your ecosystem?

NGE : $TOKO token will be the ingame currency, where you get rewarded and spend inside of the Frontera Metaverse, by doing so, we are creating the in game economy where the usage of $TOKO will be increasing, demand will spike and people will go to the market to get $TOKO

and i believe with events that Frontera is creating with @darejow ‘s expertise, we will incorporate loyalties in the entertainment and lifestyle industry


Bà Tân | : Question5. What is the development plan of the Frontera project at present and in the future?

NGE : We just finished our presale, which is sold out in less than 2 hours of 4888 NFTs, Public sale is on January 22nd, 2022 at 9 PM GMT+7

We are honored that @darejow onboard in this journey

he will have a sneak peek about events to come also

do share just a little tiny bit Bro @darejow

don’t spill to much


we can move on to the next question


Bà Tân | : End of session 1

Bà Tân | : Session 2: Question From Twitter ( (will choose 5 question)

Bà Tân | : Question1. I read that it will be FronteraNFT, but is that really the only way to participate in the game? Or can we also buy characters so we can play and have more profits?

NGE : The characte it self is the NFT, i can share a little of preview from yesterday’s presale

looks something like this

this is the highest rarity traits

so you need at least 3 NFTs to play our quest before the launch of the game

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Bà Tân | : Question2. Something that caught my attention is that they have developed a mechanism called “Fusion” that allows you to exchange 2 Mechas to get a limited edition Mecha. So, can you explain how exactly this fusion mechanism works? Any type of Mechas can be used to perform the fusion?

NGE : this is the example of fushion

this will be the end of more fushion to come

so you need to collect 2 and it is evolving to level 2, 3 and 4

the highest rarity trait


Bà Tân | : Question3. To play FRONTERA, users must have a Mecha (aka character). So,where can I buy my starting mecha? And how many of these should I need? Apart from mecha,do I need to hold certain amount of $TOKO too,to play the game?

NGE : Good question here

start with one mecha

you actually Earn $TOKO by playing the game

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Buy from our public sale tomorrow January 22nd, 2022 at 9 PM GMT+7


Bà Tân | : Question4. As a Play to earn project, Do you implement any control like an energy system? How will you engage Players in PvE battles? What are the ways we can get $TOKO and rewards?

NGE : YES, all the fighting will give an energy, you can also buy energy by using $TOKO inside of our marketplace that we are currently developing

Earn $TOKO by stake your NFTs, Fight and trade


Bà Tân | : Question5.Recently “Frontera” announcing a partnership with CyberKongz and Mutant Ape Yacht Club 9061. Can you elaborate on the plans you have for this partnership?Will “Frontera” develop a new NFT collection with their partnership? If yes, what are the possible benefits of this NFT?

NGE : yes, that is actually the most unique part of our NFT, you can CREATE your mechas, that is what the partnership is about

and those 3 will be randomly generated tomorrow on our public sale

Ini timer buat Frontera Public Sale

Ingat 0.055 $BNB or 555 $TOKO bep20 (lebih murah)

5x Mint per address

$TOKO BSC address


atau bisa juga beli melalui



Bà Tân | : Alright, Session 2 has finished perfectly. Appreciate your detailed responses @darejow, @NGE82 ���

NGE : thank you for having us

Bà Tân | : End of session 2

Bà Tân | : We’ll move on to session 3

Bà Tân | : Session 3: Free Asking (will choose 5 question)

NGE : this is an exciting journey


Bà Tân | : Don’t forget to join the group

Bà Tân | : Group will unmute now so everyone can ask questions.

Bà Tân | : Thanks for the questions from the community.

Bà Tân | : Now let’s give our dear guest @darejow, @NGE82 some time to go through them.

NGE : hahahahaha so many questions, i will pick the best 5

NGE : some are copy pasting, no change of the name of the project

Q1. Each project has an intriguing storey about how and why it was constructed and evolved; what was your storey and motivation for creating this project, Frontera? And what does Frontera stand for to you? What is the significance of the project’s name?

NGE : When we create this project, we would like to give Holders of our NFT value and extra income. Because as a project we believe in technology that can help people and change people’s life

Q2. What are the future investment prospects of the project? and Where is the best places to buy your tokens? Is it too late now for us to buy? What benefits I get for Frontera and hodling project tokens for long term?

NGE : We definitely will build this and give a good profit yo help everyone earn more, list the token on a new exchanges and you can find our token here LinkTree :

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Telegram Ann :

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Website :

Q3. Tell us about where you got the start-up capital. Frontera you also once received investments as a promising startup, or are you planning to receive money for investment from the sale of your own token??

NGE : Frontera received certain amount of investment, we are oversubscribe in terms of the investment. Frontera will announce who is the recent investor and will help with all the development

Q4. Is the goal of your Frontera project primarily to reach large investors or will you build a global scale of millions of small investors?

NGE : We will work closely with partners in Europe (2 of our advisors are from Europe) expanding to North America, Dubai and across South East Asia, 70% of our team are Vietnamese also

Q5. While you build your Frontera project, do you take into account community feedbacks and demands?While you build your project, do you take into account community feedbacks and demands??

NGE : Of course, and we know what the community are looking for, appreciation in token and NFT value, that is why we work really hard to achieve this by keep building the Metaverse and also the game mechanics to give NFT holders earning


Bà Tân | : Thanks for the useful information from @darejow, @NGE82

Bà Tân | : End of session 3

Bà Tân | : For questions that have not been answered today, you can send them to @FronteraNFT for answers.

Bà Tân | : IM Community, if you would like to know more about Frontera ! here are some useful links for you:

Official Website:








NGE : Perfect

NGE : Don’t forget

NGE : last night we SOLD out in less than 2 hours

NGE : LinkTree :

Discord :

Twitter :

Instagram :

Telegram :

Telegram Ann :

Medium :

Website :

Bà Tân | : Allright, I declare the Im Community AMA with Frontera has ended.

Thanks to @darejow, @NGE82 | Frontera joined us and provided us with Frontera information, we hope that this knowledge makes us understand more about (

To the members, thank you for following this event to the end. winners will be announced soon.




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