Forest Knight x IM community AMA RECAP

9 min readJan 19, 2022

🐋TELEGRAM AMA: Im Community & Forest Knight 🐋
⏰ AMA Timing : 18 January 2022 l 02:00 PM UTC l 21:00 GMT +7
Venue For AMA :

🎁 Reward Pool 100 USDT

➡️ The reward pool for the best 5 questions from Telegram is $50($10 Each) 💸
➡️ The reward pool for the best 5 questions from Twitter is $50 ($10 Each) 💸
Bà Tân | :
Welcome @Behfar_i from Forest Knight ���

Bà Tân | : Welcome everyone. Today Im Community will host AMA with Forest Knight.

Bà Tân | : Today our guest is: @Behfar_i from Forest Knight.

Ahrix : Welcome @Behfar_i to the IM community.

Behfar || : Thank you! Thanks for having me

Bà Tân | : Can you introduce yourself to our Im Community?

Behfar || : Sure thing! My name is Behfar, I’m founder & CEO of Forest Knight, a Turn-Based strategy game for mobile with a decentralized ecosystem powered by $KNIGHT & NFTs

Behfar || : Looking forward to answer your questions :)

Bà Tân | : Thanks for the introduction.

Bà Tân | : Today’s AMA will have 3 session

Session 1: Project Introduction

Session 2: Question From Twitter ( (will choose 5 question)

Session 3: Free Asking (will choose 5 question)

Bà Tân | : Start session 1 AMA.

Bà Tân | : Question1. Can you briefly describe what is Forest Knight? We would like to know more about it and how it works. @Behfar_i

Behfar || : Forest Knight combines casual mobile gaming with blockchain gaming to deliver an amazing adventure, a captivating story, unique Heroes with special abilities and exclusive NFTs designed for every Hero. The game has amazing features that focus on both PVE and PVP. In the realms of Forest Knight, NFTs are unique, exclusive, and powerful items that are designed for each hero. Their value depends on their rarity and strength. The rarer, the less there are, with some categories of NFTs having only 10 in existence. Currently these NFTs can be weapons, accessories and skins, but we plan on adding many more unique collectibles in the future, such as pets, land, and much more! If you haven’t checked our website you can take a look here and if you haven’t tried our game yet, you can try it here and will soon be coming to IOS as well and requires minimum specs, you can also run it on your pc on an android emulator, you can follow this link

Bà Tân | : Question2. What are the game products that the Forest Knight team focuses on developing?

Behfar || : We want to mix the best of both worlds, most blockchain games are pretty simple and don’t have that many features in them, if it wasn’t for the pay/play-to-earn mechanisms, most players wouldn’t even play it, what Forest Knight is trying to do. Is to be the bridge between fun/competitive mobile games and blockchain play to earn the world. Our goal is to have a game that every type of player can enjoy from PVE to PVP to guild/realm wars, even if they are not in it for the money. Our advantage would be that we are a mobile game and not just a blockchain game. ���

Bà Tân | : Question3. What are the benefits of playing Forest Knight’s game? How do I join?

Behfar || : The game is already working and ready to be played, you can already download it from here , playing the game requires no investment, it is a free to play game, you can earn NFTs from various areas in the game, can be from PVP or PVE, then you can trade them or sell them on our Market Place, however investing in NFTs can increase your play to earn rate ingame. ���

Bà Tân | : Question4. What role does the $KNIGHT token play in your ecosystem? long-term benefits?

Behfar || : The $KNIGHT token is a native, utility token used for:

��� Marketplace Trading

��� Upgrading & Merging NFTs

��� Staking

��� Guild Wars Bounties

��� PVP Tournament Entries

��� Blockchain Pet Evolution


Bà Tân | : Question5. What is the current and future development plan of the Forest Knight project ?

Behfar || : This project started as a 1 man job and during 2021, we became a much bigger team, we recruited over 10 members to our core team and another 20 for community management and testing, we also started 2021 with around 5k players and we now have 100k+, 2021 was a big year for us as we launched our token as well and developed many features in the game, 2022 should be interesting. 1 important thing that will be happening this week is our INO on Opensea, stay tuned to our announcement to find out more

Bà Tân | : End of session 1

Bà Tân | : Session 2: Question From Twitter ( (will choose 5 question)

Bà Tân | : Question1. You have mentioned “True Item Ownership” in your

website. I understand that they are exclusive and rare NFTs. But how can I get it? Can we buy it with Forest Knight’s $KNIGHT token? @NguyyenTyPhu

Behfar || : In Forest Knight, the number of mints depends on the NFT rarity and also the stats of the NFTs depend on the rarity itself, NFTs will increase your play to earn rate ingame in various ways and you can acquire them with 2 methods, 1st is to get them through playing the game itself and the 2nd would be to participate in our upcoming Gamrey’s Deep INO on OpenSea on the 19th you can check the details here And speaking about 10 in stock, we have a competition for anyone who finds 1 of the 10 Mythics in chest will win 5k $KNIGHT, total of 50k $KNIGHT

Bà Tân | : Question2. How much money will players have to spend to be able to join the #ForestKnight game? and how big is the difference between people with a lot of money and those with little money? @DonKimit

Behfar || : That is a very good point, so what we believe in is that the game shouldn’t be P2W(pay to win) and at the same time, people who invest need to have better play to earn rate, to make sure that this is the case we created a balance in our system that depending on your investment your play to earn rate would increase and depending on your skill your play to earn would increase as well. Keep in mind that this doesn’t mean that investment would make you directly win in the arena for example, but will increase your play-to-earn rate. More info related to the game economy will be revealed soon, stay tuned to our telegram announcements @ForestKnightInsights

Bà Tân | : Question3. Tell us about your plan of Product in which there is set for p2p lending with NFT as collateral. Share some advance idea about how would be P2P lending with NFT as collateral will work and be implemented in your platform, Aside from NFT,what other collateral can be consider ? @KedvinHa

Behfar || : As for NFT renting, we would like to make a user-friendly interface where normal mobile players are able to interact with it even though they aren’t experienced with the blockchain world, players would be able to rent with KNIGHT tokens as collateral. We are also planing a NFT staking mechanism.

Bà Tân | : Question4. Not all NFTs that are offered in the market are valuable, so how will Forest Knight ensure that the NFTs that are manufactured, issued and traded on its platform are valuable and successful, and what strategies will it use to make them competitive in this fierce market? @AudreyEdana

Behfar || : That is a really good question, so the amount of NFTs minted per expansion is limited(which is 6 months) and the NFT merge will be burning 2–3 NFTs for every merge, this means by the end of an expansion the amount of NFTs left will be much lower then it started. Also the more NFTs you hold the higher your play to earn rate will be, which will make players sell less NFTs than usual, there are of course other variables that will play a role into this, but this will become fully clear once we release our whole economy design

Bà Tân | : Question5.Noted during research that at Forest Knight, player can earn $KNIGHT token. However, when too many tokens are generated, the value of your tokens could decrease and then inflation occurs. How does Forest Knight work to avoid inflation in the game to maintain a relatively stable economy? @Hera2Chris

Behfar || : The main play-to-earn mechanism in our game is our NFT, players currently earn NFTs and not KNIGHT directly and the NFTs are limited per expansion, so we are not increasing the number of tokens and causing any inflation. We are currently on a 1 token economy and KNIGHT has a max supply

Bà Tân | : Congratulations to the winners of session 2.






Bà Tân | : Alright, Session 2 has finished perfectly. Appreciate your detailed responses @Behfar_i ���

Behfar || : sure thing!

Bà Tân | : End of session 2

Bà Tân | : We’ll move on to session 3

Bà Tân | : Session 3: Free Asking (will choose 5 question)

Bà Tân | : Don’t forget to join the group

Bà Tân | : Group will unmute now so everyone can ask questions.

Bà Tân | : Thanks for the questions from the community.

Bà Tân | : Now let’s give our dear guest @Behfar_i some time to go through them.

Behfar || : okay let’s seee

Bà Tân | : Please choose the best 5 questions and answer it for session 3, Thank you.

Q1. Do you have any big promotion going on or any event? What are your roadmap plans for upcoming events?

Behfar || : I think our INO tommorow is the next big Event on our roadmap. These are the first ever Polygon NFTs and will play an important role. You can check the details out here

Q2. What are the ways for your project to generate revenue in the long run?

Behfar || : We have 2 revenue sources, 1 is regular mobile gaming revenue like in app purchases aswell as blockchain gaming revenue like NFT sales and marketplace fees

Q3. Asia, Africa and other communities are non-English speaking communities, how will your project create a global adoption to more local communities?

Behfar || : We have local communities and local MOds in our discord channel and aswell as we have translated the game in 5 different languages and more to come. We are also looking for Vietamese MODs and vietnamese language translation next ^^

Q4. How do you deal with the security threats of your project? DO you have any AUDIT in recent times for trust?

Behfar || : We take security very seriously and work closely with our partner Certik to ensure safety for our Smart Contracts

Q5. What do you think about the explosion of the NFT + DeFi + Trend Games association that is attracting a lot of attention in the world today? How does your project leverage and exploit this fact?

Behfar || : Blockchain Gaming is a big area and I think it will only grow from here since the usecase is just super clear. GameFi is going to be prominent Genre in the crypto space and we are at the right time at right place, we have a product, community and ready to grow!

Q6. When will the game release beta and official?

Behfar || : The Game is already in early access and playable, we are looking forward to release a next big version in next couple weeks


1 to much


Bà Tân | : Thanks for the useful information from @Behfar_i

Behfar || : Sorry about that :D

Bà Tân | : End of session 3

Bà Tân | : For questions that have not been answered today, you can send them to @Forestknight for answers.

Bà Tân | : IM Community, if you would like to know more about Forest Knight ! here are some useful links for you:

Official Website:








Bà Tân | : Allright, I declare the Im Community AMA with Forest Knight has ended.

Thanks to @Behfar_i | Forest Knight joined us and provided us with Forest Knight information, we hope that this knowledge makes us understand more about (

To the members, thank you for following this event to the end. winners will be announced soon.




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