Computecoin x IM community AMA RECAP

12 min readMar 1, 2022


🐋TELEGRAM AMA: Im Community & Computecoin 🐋

⏰ AMA Timing : 28 February 2022 l 03:00 PM UTC l 22:00 GMT +7
Venue For AMA :

🎁 Reward Pool 100 USDT

➡️ The reward pool for the best 5 questions from Telegram is $50($10 Each) 💸
➡️ The reward pool for the best 5 questions from Twitter is $50 ($10 Each) 💸
Bà Tân | :
Welcome @Bleeker8, @lukedo6868 from Computecoin ���

Bà Tân | : Welcome everyone. Today Im Community will host AMA with Computecoin.

Bà Tân | : Today our guest is: @Bleeker8, @lukedo6868 from Computecoin.

Ahrix : Welcome @Bleeker8, @lukedo6868 to the IM community.

Bà Tân | : Can you introduce yourself to our Im Community?

Bleeker : Sure! Well I’m an early BTC adopter and macro trends researcher. When Dr. Li and Dr. Yang shared CCN with me. I was thrilled to take part in the first mover of its kind for infrastcuture of metaverses.

Bà Tân | : Please introduce yourself a bit @lukedo6868 ���

Bleeker : While most projects focus on the buildout of dapps. CCN is the infrastcuture. That was way too cool for me. I’m Director of PArtnerships at CCN and excited to bee here.

Luke Do [Never Dm First] :

��� Join Computecoin Network ���

Computecoin (CCN) is the world-first aggregator of all types of data centers and crypto mining machines. Our data aggregation operates as an infrastructure powering all-purpose Web3 and metaverse services.

CCN makes it easy for you to get started in all things Web3 the metaverse: AI, VR, AR, dApps, NFTs, and more by providing rich, low-cost, low-latency, and trustworthy computing and storage power for Web.3 pioneers.

CCN is now recruiting ambassadors worldwide! Apply now to learn and earn rewards!

��� CCN Ambassador Program:

��� CCN White-paper:

��� CCN Website:

��� CCN Telegram:

��� CCN Discord:

��� CCN Twitter:

Bà Tân | : Thanks for the introduction.

Bà Tân | : Today’s AMA will have 3 session

Session 1: Project Introduction

Session 2: Question From Twitter ( (will choose 5 question)

Session 3: Free Asking (will choose 5 question)

Luke Do [Never Dm First] :

Bà Tân | : Start session 1 AMA.

Bà Tân | : 1. Can you briefly describe what is Computecoin? We would like to know more about it and how it works.

Bleeker : Computecoin is the world-first aggregator of all types of data centers and crypto mining machines. We serve as the next generation of infrastcturure that supports all purpose web3 and metaverse services.

Bà Tân | : 2. What are the outstanding features of the Computecoin project compared to other projects?

Bleeker : CCN’s technology is backed by US patents and academic publications and more importantly a world class research team with abundant experience and expertise behind the project. CCN’s tech team develoiped our own merged mining tech — which enables computing power providers to mine multiple cryptocurrenciens at once maximizing mining returns 24/7/365

Computecoin is a lot more than just an L1 blockchain project. CCN’s coore tech, Pekka will aggregate, optimize and distribute computing power from networks like filecoin and Chia. With the aggregated computing power, CCN will become an eco-friendly approach to solving the computational challenge facing the metaverse industry.

Compared to legacy cloud service providers, CCN offers secure, ceaper, and decentralized computing power, with no restrictions on scalability and low latency for end-users. All of the above advtanges make CCN a fast-mover not only in the domain of cloud computing but also in web3 and the metaverse

Bà Tân | : 3. What is the Computecoin team’s $CCN token sale plan? How do I buy it?

Bleeker : $CCN will be listed on CEX soon. We unfortunately are not able to disclose any more information regarding this.

Luke Do [Never Dm First] :

Computecoin @Airdrop ���

��� Task: ➕ Up to $3 worth of CCN

���‍���‍��� Referral: ➕ $2 worth of CCN

��� Airdrop bot for Computecoin ���

��� Join Computecoin Southeast Asia Telegram group. (Required » $1 worth of CCN)

��� Follow Computecoin on Twitter and retweet the pinned post. (Required » $1 worth of CCN)

��� You can perform other tasks on the bot. (Optional » $1 worth of CCN)

��� Enter your information to the airdrop bot.

Total 1000 winners

⏳ Distribution date: Middle of March

Airdrop bot:

Join our Airdrop guys! ���

Bà Tân | : 4. What are the economic benefits of the $CCN token?

Bleeker : Almost all NFT projects store their NFT contents in centralized data centers, such as AWS and google cloud. As a leading metaverse game listed on Nasdaq, Roblox only allows 200 players at a time in its relatively low-fidelity worlds. Most projects in the Web3 and metaverse space are focusing on developing applications yet ignoring the equally important infrastructure.

Computecoin aims to serve to serve as the next generation infrastructure that powers all-purpose Web3 and metaverse services. CCN makes it easy for you to get started in all things Web3: AI, VR, DApps,NFTS and more by providing rich low cost , low latency and trustworthy computing and storage power for web3 pioneers. Plus our secure and decentralized network ensures that your data is always safe

Bà Tân | : 5. What is the development plan of the Computecoin project at present and in the future?

Bleeker : Nice question! As of right now, the team at Computecoin is preparing for the launch of the second phase of our testnet, Huygens. It will be an open testnet and you all should apply when it opens on March 22! We plan to launch our mainnet in Q2, 2022.

We are also expecting to onboard more than 30 dApps in CCN’s ecosystem by the end of 2022.

Bà Tân | : End of session 1

Bà Tân | : Session 2: Question From Twitter ( (will choose 5 question)

Bà Tân | : 1. Marketing is a central element for every successful project, what is your strategy to attract new users and investors to your project and keep them long-term? What is your most trusted feature? (@imad_clicks)

Bleeker : We are very active across all social media platforms: we currently have 61k members on Telegram and 50k followers on Twitter. We also have a large mining community that is currently contributing 100-billion overall Metapower (MP/s) on Dome-A (Our Testnet I), which is equivalent to 4000 PetaBytes storage space or 200,000 Nvidia 3080 mining cards.

As for future plans on attracting new members and investors, we have been actively promoting our Ambassador Program: you can find out more about the program and become a CCN ambassador today at

Bà Tân | : 2. There are lots of projects abandoned and did not upload a single new code and announcement to GitHub, Twitter, or telegram for months. How can I be sure the “Computecoin’ won’t do this? (@RyanNgu06513701)

Bleeker : You might have just heard of Computecoin, but the project actually began in 2018 as a research project at a major university. A product of relentless innovation, CCN now has a couple of proprietary US patents in its pocket. CCN enjoys the backing of leading scholars and researchers, like Dr. Steve Liu, an IEEE Fellow, and fellow at the Canadian Academy of Engineering; and Dr. Michael Saunders, a fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand. CCN is also honored to have Charles Adkins, ex-VP of NFTs at Polygon and co-founder of NFT Thought Leaders, and Mamadou Kwidjim Toure, Founder of Africa 2.0, Forbes top 10 most influential people in Africa on board. Mitch Kennedy, Global Loyalty Strategy Lead at Dell, has also recently joined CCN’s advisory board. CCN also boasts several other IEEE fellows, professors, and engineers in its expert team.

Computecoin also holds two propretiary US patented technologies. Put simply, CCN is driven by a team of passsionate and hard working academics and professionals who aim to build the infrasttuructre of Web3 and the metaverse. We are not going anywhere.

Bà Tân | : 3. FUNDING is crucial to project DEVELOPMENT and maintenance especially if it’s LONG-TERM. Do you have a REVENUE GENERATION plan? How do you PLAN to generate revenue to maintain the TEAM and PROJECT to enable a long-lasting PLATFORM? (@TrnThNgcNhi18)

Luke Do [Never Dm First] :

CCN is now recruiting ambassadors worldwide! Apply now to learn and earn rewards!

��� CCN Ambassador Program:

��� CCN White-paper:

��� CCN Website:

��� CCN Telegram:

��� CCN Discord:

��� CCN Twitter:

Bleeker : Computecoin will soon open a cloud computing marketplace in Q2 2022. This will allow users with excess computing power to offer those in need of computing power to relocate their resources with us being the middlemen that autheticates and secure everything. We will charge a 10% commision fee for each payment. Computecoin also owns 25% of our native CCN tokens.

The token appreciation directly goes to the team and early investors

Bà Tân | : 4. What kind of advantages do you bring differently for enterprises and regular users and creators? How will your mission progress to implement a transparent and flexible system and act with the value of investors’ hard-earned money? (@DuckManh040106)

Bleeker : Computecoin’s data aggregation could be put in various uses, be it enterprises, miners, or any individual getting started in the world of Web 3.0 and the metaverse. For example, we can offer a low latency end-user experience for gaming companies; a source of decentralized computing and storage power for streaming platforms or dApp developers; a reliable and secure cloud storage space for large enterprises; or simply just the extra computing power you might need as an independent creator or programmer.

Bà Tân | : 5. Does Computecoin have a staking program? if yes. how is your stake system work what is the requirement for users, if they want to stake in your platform? (@Amelia8F)

Bleeker : CCN Miners have to post collateral proportional to the amount of computing power they provide. This collateral is to ensure the integrity of CCN miners and the stability of the metapower supply in the event of malicious acts and machines going offline.

In testnet II, miners will recieve their collateral in 360 days. We also offer a 1 week trial period for miners to experience CCN mining with 0 collateral, you would simply need a computer or a crypto mining machine plus a reliable internet connection

If you wish to learn more about CCN’s tokenomics, including how mining rewards, collateral and pentalities work, join our tokenomics webianr next week! Follow us on our social media channels and get the event links

Bà Tân | : Alright, Session 2 has finished perfectly. Appreciate your detailed responses @Bleeker8 ���

Luke Do [Never Dm First] :

Computecoin @Airdrop ���

��� Task: ➕ Up to $3 worth of CCN

���‍���‍��� Referral: ➕ $2 worth of CCN

��� Airdrop bot for Computecoin ���

��� Join Computecoin Southeast Asia Telegram group. (Required » $1 worth of CCN)

��� Follow Computecoin on Twitter and retweet the pinned post. (Required » $1 worth of CCN)

��� You can perform other tasks on the bot. (Optional » $1 worth of CCN)

��� Enter your information to the airdrop bot.

Total 1000 winners

⏳ Distribution date: Middle of March

Airdrop bot:

Thank you all so much for this awesome event!

Bà Tân | : End of session 2

Bà Tân | : We’ll move on to session 3

Bà Tân | : Session 3: Free Asking (will choose 5 question)

Bà Tân | : Don’t forget to join the group

Bà Tân | : Group will unmute now so everyone can ask questions.

Bà Tân | : Thanks for the questions from the community.

Bà Tân | : Now let’s give our dear guest @Bleeker8 some time to go through them.

Q1. Nearly 80% of investors only focus on short-term token price instead of understanding the real value of the project. Can you tell us the motivations and benefits for investors to hold your tokens in the long term? @Bleeker8

Bleeker : CCN is strategically positioning itself as the premier infrastcture for dapps and instituions to utilize. We are going after a long term strategy and constant research to make our project the the premier destiantion for Web3 rollout

Q2. Do the token holders have right to participate in the governance of the project? On what kind of decisions can they vote on about the project? @Bleeker8

Bleeker : We are still in the discovery phase for this as our highly anticpated maintnet has not yet launched. However we are working to incentivize community engagement through our token as a utilitiy. Lets pin this question for now. But good q

Q3. Where can I buy your tokens now and how can I buy them? and what are your current contracts? Where can I buy your tokens now and how can I buy them? and what are your current contracts? @Bleeker8

Bleeker : Our tokens are not yet ready for purchase but continue on standby as we will be making that announcement sometime in the end of Q3- start ofQ4 2022. We are lazer focused on getting our technology rolled out at gold standard experience

Q4. What are plans in for global expansion? Are you focusing on market at this time or focus on building and developing or getting customers and users, or partnerships? @Bleeker8

Bleeker : ‘At the moment we are lazer focused on securing partnerships and advisors. We are currently a very international company and global expansion is a part of our strategy.

Q5. Without proper marketing and capital infusion, project dies, how do you convince us you have adequate marketing power and capital to push this project to the top project? @Bleeker8

Bleeker : We are now gearing up to do just that. We completed a strategic raise at the end of Q4 2021 that was over subsrcibed and helped us focus on relationships. Now this round that we plan to do in the coming months will also bake in a major focus on marketing. We believe marketing is best done organically and we also want to be transparent with our community as we land partnerships and rollout strategies moving forward.

Q6. What Is The Meaning Of The Name Of The Project ? @Bleeker8

Bleeker : We are focused on the aggregation of computation services and plan on being the leading provider of aforementioned services.

Q7. Trust is very important in business, what makes investors, customers and users feel safe when working with your project ? @Bleeker8

Bleeker : Please keep an eye out on the strong team we have and are still putting together. They are adepts in their respective industries. Also, keep an eye out on the academic papers and patents we continue to rollout for our product.

Q8. What do you think about the explosion of the NFT + DeFi + Trend Games association that is attracting a lot of attention in the world today? How does your project leverage and exploit this fact? @Bleeker8

Bleeker : We love this explosiion and invite NFT, defi and gamefi projects to reachout to us for partnerships as we gear up to launch our mainnet in the coming months! Our project will faciltate real time experience helping to allow more users in gaming experiences around the world, fixing the latency and low resoultions. Eseentially taking web3 experiences to the next level.

Q9. What is your strongest advantage that you think will make your team leading the market?

Bleeker : We have been preparing for the metaverse experinece since 2018. Now that it is becoming mainstream our project is just about ready for full deployment. We expect for the centralized cloud storage services to continue being overwhelemed while people continue to adopt crypto and web3. CCN will be right there with a first movers advtantage, ready to accomodate dapps as they buildout these experiences. We are excited about the future

Bleeker : I now have to jump to another call. Just wanted to Thank EVERYONE for participating intoday’s AMA. CCN is thrilled to be here! 2022 will be an exciting year for web3 and CCN!

Bà Tân | : Thanks for the useful information from @Bleeker8

Bà Tân | : End of session 3

Bà Tân | : For questions that have not been answered today, you can send them to @computecoin for answers.

Bà Tân | : IM Community, if you would like to know more about Computecoin ! here are some useful links for you:

Official Website:






Bà Tân | : Allright, I declare the Im Community AMA with Computecoin has ended.

Thanks to @Bleeker8, @lukedo6868 | Computecoin joined us and provided us with Computecoin information, we hope that this knowledge makes us understand more about (

To the members, thank you for following this event to the end. winners will be announced soon.




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